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Therapy Engagement Greater in Patients with Spinal Cord Injury whose Therapists Received Training in Motivational Interviewing
Researchers at the Center for Rehabilitation Outcomes Research (CROR) at the Shirley Ryan AbilityLab set out to see whether training physical and occupational therapists in a behavioral counseling style known as motivational interviewing (MI) could encourage patients with spinal cord injury to more actively participate in therapy.
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Dr. Ishan Roy Featured in National Cancer Institute’s Article on Cachexia
In a recent article published on the National Cancer Institute’s (NCI) website, Shirley Ryan AbilityLab’s Ishan Roy, MD, PhD, attending physician, Cancer Rehabilitation Clinic, and research scientist, was featured prominently as an expert on cachexia — a cancer-related muscle-wasting syndrome.
Therapy Engagement Greater in Patients with Spinal Cord Injury whose Therapists Received Training in Motivational Interviewing
Researchers at the Center for Rehabilitation Outcomes Research (CROR) at the Shirley Ryan AbilityLab set out to see whether training physical and occupational therapists in a behavioral counseling style known as motivational interviewing (MI) could encourage patients with spinal cord injury to more actively participate in therapy.
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Throat sensor helps you recover from a stroke
Dr. Arun Jayarman & collaborators Dr. Leora Cherney, & Dr. John Rogers talking future of rehabilitation with novel sensors that track recovery after stroke.
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AIH in people with SCI
Shirley Ryan AbilityLab has now partnered with Kessler Institute for Rehabilitation and The Miami Project to Cure Paralysis to conduct research studies to investigate the effects of breathing low levels of oxygen combined with upper limb training on arm strength and function in individuals with Spinal Cord Injury.
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Placebo Sweet Spot for Pain Identified in Brain
Scientists have identified for the first time the region in the brain responsible for the “placebo effect” in pain relief, when a fake treatment actually results in substantial reduction of pain, according to new research from Northwestern Medicine and the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago (RIC).
Research Collaboration with Samsung Featured on CNN Business
Arun Jayaraman, PT, PhD and Sara Prokup, PT, DPT of the Max Näder Center for Rehabilitation Technologies and Outcomes Research were recently interviewed for an advertisement feature on CNN Business regarding a new powered device (the GEMS) for stroke patients.
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Kristina Griffin, PT, DPT, FAAOMPT
Senior II Physical Therapist
Linda Ehrlich-Jones, PhD, RN, honored by the Academy of Spinal Cord Injury Professionals
Linda Ehrlich-Jones, PhD, RN, Associate Director, Center for Rehabilitation Outcomes Research at Shirley Ryan AbilityLab and Research Associate Professor, Northwestern PM&R Residency Program at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, received the Audrey Nelson Lectureship Award from the Academy of Spinal Cord Injury Professionals (ASCIP).
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