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Our Patients are Our Priority

We have varied departments and resources specializing in addressing all levels of pain for patients. Check out a few of these groups and individual success stories.

doctors work on complex of pain in a holistic way

Pain Management Center

Helping patients manage their pain and improve quality of life through interdisciplinary treatments and developing long-term strategies and plans.

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Doctor Consulting on Adolescent Pain

Adolescent Pain + POTS Program

Persistent pain can upset your teen’s ability to concentrate in school, participate in sports and socialize with friends. We’re here to help.

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Megan and family

Megan’s Story: Movement Is Key to Living with Chronic Pain

Megan lived with chronic pain for over 20 years. She participated in our four-week pain program to learn strategies and techniques to help navigate daily pain.

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How We Heal

All of our pain programs are informed by the innovative research conducted in our Ability Labs. Our doctors, therapists and scientists work together to bring you the best care with the most advanced medical research and technology.

Science-Driven Care

With hundreds of clinical studies under way, we offer you access to the world’s most advanced therapeutic techniques and research, which can directly impact your outcome. New therapies may include application of technology, biological materials and pharmacological solutions specific to neural action.

Clinical Trials & Research Studies


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Center for Rehabilitation Outcomes Research Registry

The aim of this project is to develop a registry of research volunteers for recruitment purposes at the Center for Rehabilitation Outcomes Research.

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Our Clinicians

You want to recover what’s most important in your life. We challenge ourselves to innovate ways to make that possible.

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1-844-355-ABLE (2253)

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