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Multiple Sclerosis
People with multiple sclerosis (MS) come to us for inpatient, outpatient or day rehabilitation. We focus on medical treatments and therapies for building strength, motor function and communication. We also offer guidance on diet, support groups and assistive devices.
Our Patients Are Our Priority
Living with MS requires physical, emotional and psychological endurance. Read our patients' journeys, and learn about our differentiating services.

Multiple Sclerosis Research
Our program offers a wide range of research opportunities for patients with MS.
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Assistive Technology
Assistive Technology offers custom tools that aid in communication, learning, operation of mobility or household devices and key functions.
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Spasticity Clinic
Spasticity rehabilitation aids children and adults who experience functional loss, contracture and pain due to CP, MS, brain/spinal cord injuries or stroke.
read moreHow We Heal
Every person with MS has unique medical and therapeutic needs. We find ways to bring you relief with therapy, pain management, customized mobility or communication devices, and by applying advances in neuromuscular science.
Science-Driven Care
With hundreds of clinical studies under way — some dedicated to understanding and treating neuromuscular conditions such as MS — we offer you access to the world’s most advanced research, which can directly impact your outcome.Clinical Trials & Research Studies
Referenced Node

Haptic Feedback for Plantar Sensory Substitution
Plantar sensation is crucial for gait, balance, and posture, and its loss contributes to movement disorders in conditions like multiple sclerosis, diabetes, stroke, and spinal cord injury. Current diagnostic methods use pressure sensor arrays to assess gait deficiencies, with wireless insole technology extending data collection beyond clinical settings. Building on these advances, we are investigating sensory substitution as a potential solution to restore lost plantar sensation and improve outcomes for affected individuals.
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