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An Exploration of Acute Intermittent Hypoxia as a tool to Enhance Neural Recovery in Stroke Survivors; a pilot safety study.
This is a Phase I safety study. Our plan consists of dose-escalation exposures with continual assessment of hypoxic conditioning impact in individuals with chronic stroke.
Clinical Trial
AbilityLab Among Elite Group of Hospitals to Sign Agreements with United Arab Emirates
AbilityLab signed a medical services agreement with UAE that ensures enhanced, timely and efficient medical care for designated Emiratis.
COMPLETE: Walking Improvement for the Spinal Cord Injured with Exoskeleton: New Technology
This study aims to compare exoskeleton gait training with standard gait training in incomplete spinal cord injury.
Research Project
COMPLETE: LifeWalker® Upright Laboratory-Based Research Study
The purpose of this study was to determine the efficacy of the LifeWalker Upright (Model J100) versus a standard rollator and predicate assistive device on gait function in adults using a walker with or without back pain.
Research Project
Ashley's Story: The Comeback
Ashley was a 24-year-old accountant and athlete living and active life in Chicago. On May 29, 2017, everything changed.
Patient Story
MRSCICS Matters Newsletter- Archive
Welcome to the MRSCICS Matters newsletter archive! View and download PDF's of the biannual newsletter of the Midwest Regional Spinal Cord Injury Care System (MRSCICS) at Shirley Ryan AbilityLab.
In the News
Parkinson's Research Study for Healthy Controls
We are studying biological markers, or biomarkers of Parkinson's disease to develop a way to measure how well treatment is working in individuals and identify people with PD at early stages for treatments.
Research Project
Parkinson's Webinar Opportunity for Healthcare Workers
This online course series will focus on the interdisciplinary collaborative care of individuals with Parkinson’s Disease, as well as how their disease affects their family and caregivers.
In the News
IDEAS for Mental Health in Parkinson's Disease
Join us at Shirley Ryan AbiltyLab Homewood DayRehab Center to explore several topics related to Parkinson's Disease and their impact on mental health.
In the News
Learn about the benefits of working at Shirley Ryan AbilityLab, including vacation hour, healthcare plans, 401k and more.
Adaptive Fitness
We offer fitness programs to help you stay active and achieve your exercise/movement goals through a variety of fitness services and classes tailored to your needs.