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Sit for Five Minutes & Improve Your Posture
If you find yourself sitting for most of the day, you may feel tension throughout certain areas of the midback and neck. Without appropriate interventions, tissues in these areas can become stiff, weak, tight or too loose. And, imbalanced muscles often contribute to poor posture and can potentially lead to an injury.
Sitting All Day May Be Causing Your Jaw Pain
Have you noticed tension in your jaw, face or neck? Headaches? Clicking or popping while chewing? Pain when yawning? These symptoms may be associated a condition known as Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction, or TMJ — and may be linked with prolonged sitting or postural changes.
Pelvic Floor: Where Kegels Come in
Stop me if you’ve heard this advice from a well-meaning person in your life: “Do your Kegels…” but with no other instructions on how to do them or how often. What even is a Kegel anyway?
Training for the Chicago Marathon? Stick to Your Training Plan & Start Now
Teachers always say “don’t cram for a test” — well, the same applies to running a marathon. You can’t cram a six-month training plan into three months and expect the same results.
Fix Your Quarantine Sleep Schedule
Here are some quick tips doctors and healthcare professionals recommend on improving the quality of your sleep, and boosting your productivity the next day.
Check Your Form: Five Exercises You Can Do Without Equipment
Right now, it’s so important to find ways to keep moving! This home workout requires no equipment, uses minimal space and targets your upper and lower body.
Spasticity Assessments Research Project
The purpose of the study was to examine the contribution of passive muscle stiffness and active spinal reflex mechanisms to clinical outcomes of spasticity after SCI.
Research Project
Moving less while sheltering in place? Here are five ways to increase your activity
While sheltering in place, we’ve all noted the numerous ways in which we’ve decreased our activity — gone are commutes, walks to grab lunch, hitting the gym, going to the playground with our kids, dinner at a local spot and the list continues.
Rethink your home exercise game: Five pieces of exercise equipment you didn’t know you had
Five pieces of exercise equipment you didn’t know you had.
Balance in the midst of COVID chaos: Why daily routines matter
“The secret to life is to adjust,” is a phrase often quoted by my parents when I would dig in my heels to protest change. COVID-19 has led many of us to experience a loss of structure, routine and even meaning in daily life. Experiencing a pandemic is uncharted territory. We have been tasked with “adjusting” in all facets of life.
Back to Basics: Five Tips for Starting a New Running Regime
While we’re all sheltering in place, many of us have found our activity levels declining. Gyms are closed, we aren’t walking to work, and our normal routines have changed drastically. Physical activity is now more important than ever, and running is a great way to keep moving that doesn’t require any special equipment.
Lunchtime Workout Routine
Movement is essential for staying healthy. Aerobic exercise can help lower your risk of cardiovascular disease, and resistance training can help lower your risk of osteoporosis and other degenerative conditions.