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Watch Dr. Elyaman and Dr. Goldman’s Interview on the Launch of the PDMD Fellowship Program
Thanks to the Davis Phinney Foundation for Parkinson’s for putting together this video interview with Dr. Elyaman and Dr. Goldman about the launch of the fellowship and our first fellow’s experience.
In the News
Parkinson’s Disease: Intervening Early Concerning Employment (PIECE)
We are conducting an study to learn how people with Parkinson’s disease address employment challenges and what resources they use to address these challenges.
Research Project
Paulo Aco: A Love of Sports and Movement Leads to a Role in Parkinson’s Disease Research
Learn more about Paulo Aco and how his love of sports and movement lead to a role in parkinson’s disease research.
Research Project
Episode 02: Working Through Parkinson's Disease
On our second episode, we talk about a really tricky subject: what is it like to go to work with Parkinson's disease? What are the unique challenges people with PD face when it comes to employment, thinking about asking for an accommodation, or even disclosing their health condition at work?
In the News
Dr. Goldman in Chicago Tribune Health article on Parkinson Disease
Dr. Goldman, Section Chief, Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders, was recently interviewed by Chicago Tribune health section for her expertise on Parkinson's disease.
In the News
In the News: Rev. Jesse Jackson undergoing therapy for Parkinson's disease
A recent story on ABC7 highlighed Rev. Jesse Jackson's stay at Shirley Ryan AbilityLab where he underwent treatment for Parkinson's disease.
At Home Workout: Parkinson’s Integrated Exercise Program
This class is specifically designed to help individuals with later stages of Parkinson’s disease use exercise for symptom management.
Free Parkinson's Service Program For Employment Retention
This free program is designed to provide people with Parkinson's with job services to help to get or sustain employment with their disability.
In the News
“INside the OUTcomes” Podcast: Working with Parkinson’s Disease
The latest episode of “INside the OUTcomes” — the Center for Rehabilitation Outcomes Research’s (CROR) podcast — features an interview with Shirley Ryan AbilityLab’s Miriam Rafferty, DPT, PhD, director of Implementation Science, and research scientist II, Strength + Endurance Lab. This episode was released to coincide with World Parkinson’s Day on April 11.
Retrospective Interdisciplinary Care for Parkinson's Disease
The purpose of this study is to describe the delivery patterns, patient characteristics, and baseline performance of people referred to proactive rehabilitation at Shirley Ryan AbilityLab.
Research Project
Specialized Immune Cells May Improve Early Detection of Parkinson’s Disease
The elevated presence of specialized immune cells called alpha-synuclein reactive T-cells found in patients prior to developing motor symptoms and receiving a diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease, suggests that increased reactivity of these cells may be present long before clinical diagnosis.
Moving Together: Care Partner Support Group for Cognitive Challenges in Movement Disorders
Shirley Ryan AbilityLab is a Lewy Body Dementia (LBD) Association Research Center of Excellence, and provides education and support for LBD care givers.
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