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Preventing Nerve Injuries Acquired in the ICU by Patients with Severe COVID
A new study published in the October 2022 issue of the Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation from a research team led by SRAlab clinicians identified the cause of — and hope for a potential prevention of — nerve injuries in patients treated in the intensive care unit for severe COVID-19.
Research Project
Reconstructive Surgery for People with Spinal Cord Injury
The Journal of Neurophysiology recently published a review by Adenike Adewuyi, MD PhD — a 2022 graduate of Shirley Ryan AbilityLab’s physical medicine and rehabilitation (PM&R) residency program — and her mentor, Colin Franz, MD, PhD, physician-scientist, at Shirley Ryan AbilityLab. The review defines a clinical framework for evaluating patients with spinal cord injuries to determine their candidacy for nerve transfer surgery.
Research Project
A Conversation on Supporting Employees Who Acquire Disabilities Webinar
A panelist shares his own experience of working before and after acquiring a disability including his perspectives on how to successfully navigate corporate policies and practices. Panelists share resources and information on how to successfully support return to work on job retention for individuals with disabilities.
Research Project
The ADA: A Tool to Support Inclusive Communities Webinar
The Center for Rehabilitation Outcomes Research is proud to host a webinar with Wendy Strobel Gower and her talk on the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
Research Project
RRTC: Employment and Disability
The mission of the Rehabilitation Research and Training Center (RRTC) on Employment for People with Physical Disabilities is to research and promote positive employment outcomes for people with physical disabilities.
Research Project
Development and Testing of HCBS Outcome Measures
This project will develop and test HCBS outcome measures.
Research Project
Identifying Promising HCBS Practices and Specific Service-Delivery Competencies
This project will identify promising HCBS practices and specific service-delivery competencies.
Research Project
The Influence of Disability Models on Person-Centeredness in Home and Community-Based Services
This brief explores the medical, social, and biopsychosocial models of disability, their relationship with evolving frameworks of person-centeredness, and implications for providers and others who deliver services and supports.
Research Project
COMPLETE: The Efficacy of a Frequency-Tuned Electromagnetic Field Treatment in Facilitating the Recovery of Subacute Ischemic Stroke Patients
In this study, BQ 2.0 is intended to reduce disability in adult patients with subacute ischemic stroke, with a moderate to severe disability which includes an upper extremity motor impairment.
Research Project
Enhancing Rehabilitation Participation in Patients with SCI/D Using Motivational Interviewing
Research Project
Mobile Rehabilitation for Daily Life Participation Post-Stroke
The researchers will focus on variability in depressed mood and quality of life among stroke survivors, and social support, a protective factor with a potential buffering effect on daily function and mood.
Research Project