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2022 Awardee: Sameer Ashaie, PhD
Sameer Ashaie is a research scientist at the Shirley Ryan AbilityLab and a research assistant professor at Feinberg School of Medicine at Northwestern University.
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COMPLETE: Safety and Efficacy of Samsung GEMS-H Device Training in Sub-Acute and Chronic Stroke
The purpose of this research is to determine the effects of gait training with the Samsung
GEMS-H device on walking, balance, nervous system activity, and quality of life in individuals with sub-acute and chronic stroke.
GEMS-H device on walking, balance, nervous system activity, and quality of life in individuals with sub-acute and chronic stroke.
Research Project
Breathing Low Oxygen to Enhance Spinal Stimulation Training and Functional Recovery in Persons with Chronic Spinal Cord Injury: The BO2ST Trial
The goal of this double-blind, placebo-controlled, block-randomized clinical trial is to investigate the efficacy and potency of daily acute intermittent hypoxia (AIH) combined with transcutaneous electrical spinal stimulation (tSTIM) and skill-based walking practice.
Research Project
Limb Loss & Impairment
We meet amputee patient’s unique needs by integrating medical expertise, technology, and engineering.
Jasin Wong: Using Research to Help People with Disabilities Find Jobs and Live Independently
Jasin Wong's conclusion: “With enough environmental support, most of them can successfully be employed. If their coworkers and employers understand their special needs they have very strong potential to succeed.”
In the News
Angelika Kudla: A Talent for Translating Scientific Research and a Passion for Mental Health
Learn more about Angelika Kudla and her talent for translating scientific research and a passion for mental health.
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Stefania Fatone: Her Life in Orthotics is Both an Art and a Science
Learn more about Stefania Fatone and her life in orthotics which is both an art and a science.
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2022 Awardee: Jinsook Roh, PhD
For her C-STAR project, Awardee Jinsook Roh, PhD will use a commercially available, three-dimensional, bimanual exoskeleton in the upper extremity.
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Precision Medicine Originating From Patient Derived Neurons
This project studies precision neurotrauma medicine with patient-derived iPSC-neurons to determine patient specific factors affecting clinical outcomes
Research Project
How the Sim Lab Helps Clinicians Hone Their Skills
The Sim Lab on the 12th Floor, enables clinicians to log realistic medical experience and hone their diagnostic skills in a safe, controlled environment.
New Rehab Hospital Integrates Research and Care in One Facility
Shirley Ryan AbilityLab is designed to spur instant collaboration among clinicians and researchers.