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Dr. Arun Jayaraman and Sara Prokup Featured on CNN
A new Samsung-sponsored video on CNN highlights GEMS, a lightweight, robotic, hip assist hardware/software device. The video also includes soundbites from Arun Jayaraman, PhD, director, Max Näder Lab for Rehabilitation Technologies and Outcomes Research, along with footage of Dr. Jayaraman and Sara Prokup, physical therapist.
Should I Disclose My Disability When Looking for a Job?
Vocational rehabilitation experts say it is important for people to know that if they decide to request an accommodation, their employer is allowed to make medical inquiries, including how or if the disability would impact the person’s ability to do the job.
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Intracortical Inhibition in Humans with Spinal Cord Injury
This study investigates the intracortical inhibition in humans with cervical spinal cord injury. We particularly aim to understand the inhibitory mechanism for the control of upper arm muscles to further promote rehabilitation protocol.
Research Project
Welcome to the New Lab!
The Max Näder Lab for Rehabilitation Technologies and Outcomes (RT&O) Research has officially moved to its new location, in The Regenstein Foundation's Center for Bionic Medicine on the 11th floor of the Shirley Ryan AbilityLab.
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Participant Council to Play Major Role in Developing New Quality-of-Life Measures for People with Disabilities
Karon has spent decades developing quality-of-life measures for people with disabilities and is leading a project at the Center for Rehabilitation Outcomes Research (CROR) at the Shirley Ryan AbilityLab.
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Early Study Feedback Suggests Virtual Cognitive Behavioral Therapy May Help Some People Working with Chronic Pain
Early results from a study at the Shirley Ryan AbilityLab’s Center for Rehabilitation Outcomes Research suggests that cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) delivered virtually helps people with disabilities manage their chronic pain.
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AbilityLab Receives Center Grant to Test Effectiveness of Home and Community Services
A new center grant recently was awarded to Shirley Ryan AbilityLab to create a system to evaluate home and community-based services. The grant — with funding of $4.4 million over five years — started on Sep. 1 and is through the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR), an agency within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).
Medical Stigma and Lack of Home-based Services Pose Challenge for Those Living with Dementia
As part of the overall effort to improve the delivery of care for people receiving HCBS, the Center for Rehabilitation Outcomes Research received a 2020 grant from ACL to develop and test person-centered outcome measures for people with disabilities, including dementia, who are receiving home- and community-based services.
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ABC 7: COVID-19 'long-haulers' work to regain basic skills, overcome 'brain fog' months after diagnosis
Chicago's Shirley Ryan Ability Lab created a COVID-19 rehabilitation unit in April. And as the number of cases rise in the area, so does the unit's number of patients getting therapy for the long-term effects of the virus.
Episode 05: Unmet Needs in HCBS and the Importance of Data
On this episode of INside the OUTcomes: A Rehabilitation Research Podcast, we hear from Teresa Nguyen, Director of the Community Living Equity Center in the Lurie Institute for Disability Policy and Natalie Chong, a doctoral student at the Heller School for Social Policy and Management at Brandeis University about unmet needs in HCBS and why data is so important in helping to ensure these needs are met.
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Meet the Mentees
Meet the Mentees. Our Mentorship Funding Program provides junior faculty and early-career rehabilitation researchers with mentoring and career advancement guidance from senior scientists and clinicians at Shirley Ryan AbilityLab.
Episode 12: Kenny's World: Person-Centered Planning in Practice
On this episode of INside the OUTcomes: A Rehabilitation Research Podcast, we speak with Kenny, a home and community-based services recipient, and Heather LaTorra, CEO of Kenny's provider agency, Marrakech, about how they partnered to make the necessary changes to Kenny’s services to meet his goals.
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