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U.K. Foundation Funds Dr. Monica Perez’s Study of Combined Neurostimulation in SCI
The Walkabout Foundation recently announced its funding of new research led by Monica A. Perez, PT, PhD, scientific chair, Arms + Hands Lab, Shirley Ryan AbilityLab.
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Characterizing the Experience of Spasticity after Spinal Cord Injury
This research used an online survey to help researchers understand how spasticity affects daily life and functioning of people with spinal cord injury (SCI).
Research Project
Lab members
Click the link below to see a list of distinguished students, researchers and scientists that are currently part or have been trained in our Lab.
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About Henry B. Betts, MD, LIFE Center
A resource center that provides patient education for people living with cognitive and physical impairments, chronic conditions or diseases affecting function.
COMPLETE: Honda Walking Assist Device Home Trial
In this study, we aim to verify the safety and validate the usability of the Honda Walking Assist (HWA) device in the home setting.
Research Project
David Rowland: Advising Corporate Clients on Implementing the ADA
When the Americans with Disabilities Act was passed in 1990, Rowland started helping the firm’s corporate clients figure out how to implement the new law in their workplaces and employment policies.
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David Rowland: Advising Corporate Clients on Implementing the ADA
Once he finds something he likes, attorney David Rowland sticks with it. He went to University of Michigan for his undergraduate degree in political science and then attended University of Michigan Law School. He interned one summer at the Chicago-based firm of Seyfarth Shaw and went to work there after he graduated in the 1980s.
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Band-Aid-Like Patch Could Detect Early COVID-19 Symptoms
Researchers working to contain COVID-19 are increasingly turning to these sleek new wearables for a diagnostic solution.
New Therapies to Help Stroke Survivors Recover Language Years After Injury
Encouraging new evidence is emerging to suggest the brain's plasticity, or its ability to change and heal, may last many years after injury.