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CROR launches INside the OUTcomes: A Rehabilitation Research Podcast
The Center for Rehabilitation Outcomes Research has launched a new podcast called INside the OUTcomes: A Rehabilitation Research Podcast.
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KTEAM Lab Members Present at ACRM
Several members of the KTEAM lab attended and presented at the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine Annual Conference, hosted in Chicago this year November 5-8, 2019.
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Summer 2019 Presentations
Our lab has had a busy summer this year traveling all over the world to present our research at a variety of conferences.
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Dr. Goldman Appointment Featured in Chicago Tribune
Dr. Goldman's appointment to Shirley Ryan Abilitylab was featured in Chicago Tribune, and Crains.
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Mitra Lavasani, PhD
Research Scientist III
Director, Translational Cell Therapy Lab
Associate Professor, Northwestern University
Can nerve stimulation help patients with severe tremor?
Traditionally, medication and surgery have been the only two ways of managing tremor. Each of these options is problematic. Their effectiveness decreases over time, few patients are eligible and they come with unwanted side effects. Clearly, patients with tremor need new options for managing it, and José Pons, PhD, is leading the search for them.
Aleks Gebska presents at "A Glimpse into Research"
SRAlab's second annual "Glimpse into Research" took place on December 17th, where researchers from a diverse variety of labs presented their work to staff from across the hospital.
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2019 Summer Internship Projects
A round-up of the research projects our interns tackled this summer.
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Jordan Grafman, PhD
Director, Brain Injury Research
Chief, Cognitive Neuroscience Laboratory
Professor, Department of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, Neurology, Cognitive Neurology and Alzheimer’s Center
Join the CHAT - A Community of Hand Ability Training
The Perez Lab team exclusively offers FREE hand training for ANYONE with a neurological condition that affects the function of their hands, including but not limited to: Spinal Cord Injury (Any level), Stroke, MS, Parkinson's, ALS, etc. We use a combination of games, cutting-edge robotics, sensors, and upper body exercises to help people improve the function of their hands in terms of pinching, grasping, and dexterity. Come by any time 8:30AM-4PM Monday-Friday and meet us!
Research Project