Featured Publications


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Feasibility of snapshot testing using wearable sensors to detect cardiorespiratory illness (COVID infection in India).

Autocorrelation of daily resting heart rate: A novel metric of postoperative recovery.

Combining Neuromodulation Strategies in Spinal Cord Injury Gait Rehabilitation: A Proof of Concept, Randomized, Crossover Trial.

Assessing actigraphy performance for daytime sleep detection following stroke: insights from inpatient monitoring in a rehabilitation hospital.

Safety & efficacy of a robotic hip exoskeleton on outpatient stroke rehabilitation.

Single-belt vs. split-belt treadmill symmetry training: is there a perfect choice for gait rehabilitation post-stroke?

Implementation of a unilateral hip flexion exosuit to aid paretic limb advancement during inpatient gait retraining for individuals post-stroke: a feasibility study.

Integrating Upper-Limb Prostheses with the Human Body: Technology Advances, Readiness, and Roles in Human-Prosthesis Interaction.

Evaluating the Usability and Equivalence of Electronic Patient-Reported Outcome Measures for Individuals with a Lower-Limb Amputation.

Validity and reliability study of a novel surface electromyography sensor using a well-consolidated electromyography system in individuals with cervical spinal cord injury.

Biomimetic versus arbitrary motor control strategies for bionic hand skill learning.

Wireless wearable sensors can facilitate rapid detection of sleep apnea in hospitalized stroke patients.

Detecting the symptoms of Parkinson's disease with non-standard video.

Detecting the symptoms of Parkinson's disease with non-standard video.

Computer vision for automated seizure detection and classification: A systematic review.

Noninvasive spinal stimulation improves walking in chronic stroke survivors: a proof-of-concept case series.

Implications of EMG channel count: enhancing pattern recognition online prosthetic testing.

Validation of Proprietary and Novel Step-counting Algorithms for Individuals Ambulating With a Lower Limb Prosthesis.

Validation of portable in-clinic video-based gait analysis for prosthesis users.

Efficacy and safety of using auditory-motor entrainment to improve walking after stroke: a multi-site randomized controlled trial of InTandem(TM).

Transforming modeling in neurorehabilitation: clinical insights for personalized rehabilitation.

Early Prediction of Poststroke Rehabilitation Outcomes Using Wearable Sensors.


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AI in Rehabilitation Medicine: Opportunities and Challenges.

Evaluation of a carepartner-integrated telehealth gait rehabilitation program for persons with stroke: study protocol for a feasibility study.

A Research Protocol to Study the Priming Effects of Breathing Low Oxygen on Enhancing Training-Related Gains in Walking Function for Persons With Spinal Cord Injury: The BO(2)ST Trial.

Functional Performance Outcomes of a Powered Knee-Ankle Prosthesis in Service Members With Unilateral Transfemoral Limb Loss.

Activity Monitoring in Parkinson Disease: A Qualitative Study of Implementation Determinants.

Protocol for a randomized controlled trial to evaluate a year-long (NICU-to-home) evidence-based, high dose physical therapy intervention in infants at risk of neuromotor delay.

Generating synthetic gait patterns based on benchmark datasets for controlling prosthetic legs.

Optimizing Trajectories and Inverse Kinematics for Biomechanical Analysis of Markerless Motion Capture Data.

The Year in Cardiothoracic Transplant Anesthesia: Selected Highlights From 2021 Part II: Cardiac Transplantation.

Applying machine learning to consumer wearable data for the early detection of complications after pediatric appendectomy.

Electromyography-Based Control of Lower Limb Prostheses: A Systematic Review.

Effect of using of a lower-extremity exoskeleton on disability of people with multiple sclerosis.

Machine Learning-Based Gait Mode Prediction for Hybrid Knee Prosthesis Control.

Evaluating the partial contribution of the P3 event-related potential elicited by auditory oddball stimuli during the Stroop task.

Effect of using of a lower-extremity exoskeleton on disability of people with multiple sclerosis.

Improved Trajectory Reconstruction for Markerless Pose Estimation.

Powered knee and ankle prosthesis use with a K2 level ambulator: a case report.

Evaluation of a Carepartner-Integrated Telehealth Gait Rehabilitation Program for Persons with Stroke : Study Protocol for a Feasibility Study.

Toward higher-performance bionic limbs for wider clinical use.

Developing better digital health measures of Parkinson's disease using free living data and a crowdsourced data analysis challenge.

Rehabilitation Therapy Doses Are Low After Stroke and Predicted by Clinical Factors.

Should bionic limb control mimic the human body? Impact of control strategy on bionic hand skill learning.

Cost-effectiveness analysis of overground robotic training versus conventional locomotor training in people with spinal cord injury.

User Performance With a Transradial Multi-Articulating Hand Prosthesis During Pattern Recognition and Direct Control Home Use.

Haptic Human-Human Interaction During an Ankle Tracking Task: Effects of Virtual Connection Stiffness.

Effect of Dyadic Haptic Collaboration on Ankle Motor Learning and Task Performance.


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User performance with a transradial multi-articulating hand prosthesis during pattern recognition and direct control home use.

Evidence-based classification in golf for athletes with a vision impairment: A Delphi study.

A framework for clinical utilization of robotic exoskeletons in rehabilitation.

Autoencoder Composite Scoring to Evaluate Prosthetic Performance in Individuals with Lower Limb Amputation.

Muscle adaptations in acute SCI following overground exoskeleton + FES training: A pilot study.

The distribution of acquired peripheral nerve injuries associated with severe COVID-19 implicate a mechanism of entrapment neuropathy: a multicenter case series and clinical feasibility study of a wearable, wireless pressure sensor.

The impact of added mass placement on metabolic and temporal-spatial characteristics of transfemoral prosthetic gait.

Wearable Sensors Improve Prediction of Post-Stroke Walking Function Following Inpatient Rehabilitation.

Perceived facilitators and barriers to participation in golf for people with vision impairment: a qualitative study.

Validation of Amazon Halo Movement: a smartphone camera-based assessment of movement health.

Evaluation of a lower-extremity robotic exoskeleton for people with knee osteoarthritis.

Evaluation of a lower-extremity robotic exoskeleton for people with knee osteoarthritis.

Precision Rehabilitation: Optimizing Function, Adding Value to Health Care.

Factors associated with unplanned transfers among cancer patients at a freestanding acute rehabilitation facility.

Soothe the savage beast: Patient perceptions of the benefits of music therapy in an inpatient rehabilitation facility.

Sleep Monitoring during Acute Stroke Rehabilitation: Toward Automated Measurement Using Multimodal Wireless Sensors.

Functional Performance Outcomes of a Powered Knee-Ankle Prosthesis in Service Members With Unilateral Transfemoral Limb Loss.

Transforming Gait: Video-Based Spatiotemporal Gait Analysis.

Evidence-Based Medicine Training in United States-Based Physiatry Residency Programs.

Ambulation Control System Design for a Hybrid Knee Prosthesis.

Wearable airbag technology and machine learned models to mitigate falls after stroke.

Soft robotic exosuit augmented high intensity gait training on stroke survivors: a pilot study.

Soft robotic exosuit augmented high intensity gait training on stroke survivors: a pilot study.

Walking improvement in chronic incomplete spinal cord injury with exoskeleton robotic training (WISE): a randomized controlled trial.

Shoulder pain and ultrasound findings: A comparison study of wheelchair athletes, nonathletic wheelchair users, and nonwheelchair users.

Predicting Duration of Outpatient Physical Therapy Episodes for Individuals with Spinal Cord Injury Based on Locomotor Training Strategy.

Starting at Birth: An Integrative, State-of-the-Science Framework for Optimizing Infant Neuromotor Health.

Video-Based Pose Estimation for Gait Analysis in Stroke Survivors during Clinical Assessments: A Proof-of-Concept Study.

Functional Mobility Training with a Powered Knee and Ankle Prosthesis.


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Miniaturized wireless, skin-integrated sensor networks for quantifying full-body movement behaviors and vital signs in infants.

Utilization of Robotic Exoskeleton for Overground Walking in Acute and Chronic Stroke

Usability, functionality, and efficacy of a custom myoelectric elbow-wrist-hand orthosis to assist elbow function in individuals with stroke

Advanced Machine Learning Tools to Monitor Biomarkers of Dysphagia: A Wearable Sensor Proof-of-Concept Study

Combining Accelerometer and GPS Features to Evaluate Community Mobility in Knee Ankle Foot Orthoses (KAFO) Users

A Framework for Dyadic Physical Interaction Studies During Ankle Motor Tasks

Toward higher-performance bionic limbs for wider clinical use

Toward higher-performance bionic limbs for wider clinical use

Automated, Multiparametric Monitoring of Respiratory Biomarkers and Vital Signs in Clinical and Home Settings for COVID-19 Patients

Evidence-Based Medicine Training in US-based Physiatry Residency Programs.

Relationship Between Gait Quality Measures and Modular Neuromuscular Control Parameters in Chronic Post-Stroke Individuals

Characterization of Motor-Evoked Responses Obtained with Transcutaneous Electrical Spinal Stimulation from the Lower-Limb Muscles after Stroke

Evaluation of a Lower-Extremity Robotic Exoskeleton for People with Knee Osteoarthritis

Rapid Screening of Physiological Changes Associated with COVID-19 Using Soft-Wearables and Structured Activities: A Pilot Study

Ergonomic Assessment of Low Back Loading Pattern During Occupational Lifting Task in a Lower Limb Amputee: Minimizing Injury Risk

Effect of Using of a Lower-Extremity Exoskeleton on Disability of People with Multiple Sclerosis


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Patient-Preferred Prosthetic Ankle-Foot Alignment for Ramps and Level-Ground Walking

Design and Clinical Implementation of an Open-Source Bionic Leg

Users with Spinal Cord Injury Experience of Robotic Locomotor Exoskeletons: A Qualitative Study of the Benefits, Limitations, and Recommendations

Exploring Augmented Grasping Capabilities in a Multi-Synergistic Soft Bionic Hand

Controller Synthesis and Clinical Exploration of Wearable Gyroscopic Actuators to Support Human Balance

Inpatient stroke rehabilitation: prediction of clinical outcomes using a machine-learning approach

Understanding limb position and external load effects on real-time pattern recognition control in amputees.

Intent Prediction Based on Biomechanical Coordination of EMG and Vision-Filtered Gaze for End-Point Control of an Arm Prosthesis.

Mild to Moderate Sleep Apnea is Linked to Hypoxia-Induced Motor Recovery After Spinal Cord Injury

Appraisals of robotic locomotor exoskeletons for gait: focus group insights from potential users with spinal cord injuries

Budget Impact Analysis of Robotic Exoskeleton Use for Locomotor Training Following Spinal Cord Injury in Four SCI Model Systems

Current Evidence for Use of Robotic Exoskeletons in Rehabilitation


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Automating Sleep Stage Classification Using Wireless, Wearable Sensors

Determining User Intent of Partly Dynamic Shoulder Tasks in Individuals with Chronic Stroke using Pattern Recognition

Augmenting Clinical Outcome Measures of Gait and Balance with a Single Inertial Sensor in Age-Ranged Healthy Adults

The Impact of Yoga-Based Physical Therapy On Heart Rate Variability After Traumatic Brain Injury

Prednisolone Pretreatment Enhances Intermittent Hypoxia-Induced Plasticity in Persons With Chronic Incomplete Spinal Cord Injury

Immediate Adaptations to Post-Stroke Walking Performance Using a Wearable Robotic Exoskeleton

Targeted Muscle Reinnervation Treats Neuroma and Phantom Pain in Major Limb Amputees: A Randomized Clinical Trial

Skin Sensors are the Future of Health Care

Pattern recognition and direct control home use of a multi-articulating hand prosthesis

Automatic Scoring of Parkinson’s Disease Motor Symptoms Using a Smartwatch

Large-Area MRI-Compatible Epidermal Electronic Interfaces for Prosthetic Control and Cognitive Monitoring

Adapting Myoelectric Control in Real-Time Using a Virtual Environment


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Altered Neural Control Reduces Shear Forces and Ankle Impedance on a Slippery Surface

Stride Management Assist Exoskeleton vs Functional Gait Training in Stroke: A Randomized Trial

Evaluation of the Keeogo Exoskeleton for Assisting Ambulatory Activities in People with Multiple Sclerosis: An Open-Label, Randomized, Cross-Over Trial

Joint Speed Discrimination and Augmentation For Prosthesis Feedback

Amputee Perception of Prosthetic Ankle Stiffness During Locomotion

Postural and Metabolic Benefits of Using a Forearm Support Walker in Older Adults with Impairments

Experience of Robotic Exoskeleton Use at Four Spinal Cord Injury Model Systems Centers

Control Within a Virtual Environment is Correlated to Functional Outcomes When Using a Physical Prosthesis

Mobility in Persons with Lower Extremity Amputations and Influencing Factors: Using the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health to Quantify Expert Views

Design, Development, and Testing of a Lightweight Hybrid Robotic Knee Prosthesis

Decoding the Grasping Intention from Electromyography During Reaching Motions

Variables Influencing Wearable Sensor Outcome Estimates in Individuals with Stroke and Incomplete Spinal Cord Injury: A Pilot Investigation Validating Two Research Grade Sensors

Impact of Powered Knee and -Ankle on Low Back Muscle Mechanics in Transfemoral Amputees: A Case Series


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How a Diverse Research Ecosystem Has Generated New Rehabilitation Technologies: Review of NIDILRR's Rehabilitation Engineering Research Centers

Upper Limb Cortical Maps in Amputees with Targeted Muscle and Sensory Reinnervation

Fall Detection in Individuals With Lower Limb Amputations Using Mobile Phones: Machine Learning Enhances Robustness for Real-World Applications

Online Adaptive Neural Control of a Robotic Lower Limb Prosthesis

Custom, rapid prototype thumb prosthesis for partial-hand amputation: A case report

Targeted Muscle Reinnervation for the Upper and Lower Extremity

Activity Recognition for Persons With Stroke Using Mobile Phone Technology: Toward Improved Performance in a Home Setting

Resolving the Effect of Wrist Position on Myoelectric Pattern Recognition Control

Stiffness Perception During Active Ankle and Knee Movement

Sensor Fusion to Infer Locations of Standing and Reaching Within the Home in Incomplete Spinal Cord Injury

Novel Intramedullary Device for Lengthening Transfemoral Residual Limbs

In-lab versus at-home activity recognition in ambulatory subjects with incomplete spinal cord injury


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Improved Weight-Bearing Symmetry for Transfemoral Amputees During Standing Up and Sitting Down With a Powered Knee-Ankle Prosthesis

Evaluation of Linear Regression Simultaneous Myoelectric Control Using Intramuscular EMG

An Analysis of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Hand Muscle EMG for Improved Pattern Recognition Control

Dual Window Pattern Recognition Classifier for Improved Partial-Hand Prosthesis Control

A Classification Method for User-Independent Intent Recognition for Transfemoral Amputees Using Powered Lower Limb Prostheses

Detection of and Compensation for EMG Disturbances for Powered Lower Limb Prosthesis Control

Myoelectric Control System and Task-Specific Characteristics Affect Voluntary Use of Simultaneous Control

Gait Characteristics When Walking on Different Slippery Walkways


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Use of probabilistic weights to enhance linear regression myoelectric control

Depth Sensing for Improved Control of Lower Limb Prostheses

Transfemoral amputee recovery strategies following trips to their sound and prosthesis sides throughout swing phase

Effects of a wearable exoskeleton stride management assist system (SMA®) on spatiotemporal gait characteristics in individuals after stroke: a randomized controlled trial

Intuitive control of a powered prosthetic leg during ambulation: a randomized clinical trial

Targeted muscle reinnervation and advanced prosthetic arms

Extrinsic finger and thumb muscles command a virtual hand to allow individual finger and grasp control


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Real-time simultaneous and proportional myoelectric control using intramuscular EMG

Perceptions of the risks and benefits of upper limb transplantation among individuals with upper limb amputations

Targeted muscle reinnervation: a novel approach to postamputation neuroma pain

Does EMG control lead to distinct motor adaptation?

Trip recovery strategies following perturbations of variable duration

Controlling Knee Swing Initiation and Ankle Plantarflexion With an Active Prosthesis on Level and Inclined Surfaces at Variable Walking Speeds

Real-Time and Offline Performance of Pattern Recognition Myoelectric Control Using a Generic Electrode Grid with Targeted Muscle Reinnervation Patients

Novel targeted sensory reinnervation technique to restore functional hand sensation after transhumeral amputation

Estimation of human ankle impedance during the stance phase of walking.

Configuring a powered knee and ankle prosthesis for transfemoral amputees within five specific ambulation modes

Targeted muscle reinnervation in the initial management of traumatic upper extremity amputation injury

A training method for locomotion mode prediction using powered lower limb prostheses

Intent recognition in a powered lower limb prosthesis using time history information

Evidence for a Time-Invariant Phase Variable in Human Ankle Control

Comparison of body-powered voluntary opening and voluntary closing prehensor for activities of daily life


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Robotic leg control with EMG decoding in an amputee with nerve transfers

Activation of Individual Extrinsic Thumb Muscles and Compartments of Extrinsic Finger Muscles

Development of a Mechatronic Platform and Validation of Methods for Estimating Ankle Stiffness During the Stance Phase of Walking

Non-weight-bearing neural control of a powered transfemoral prosthesis

Effect of compliance location in series elastic actuators

The Difference Between Stiffness and Quasi-Stiffness in the Context of Biomechanical Modeling

Sparse Optimal Motor Estimation (SOME) for Extracting Commands for Prosthetic Limbs

Contribution of prosthetic knee and ankle mechanisms to swing-phase foot clearance


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The effects of targeted muscle reinnervation on neuromas in a rabbit rectus abdominis flap model

High Density Electromyography Data of Normally Limbed and Transradial Amputee Subjects for Multifunction Prosthetic Control

Quantification of feature space changes with experience during electromyogram pattern recognition control

A computational model for stress reduction at the skin-implant interface of osseointegrated prostheses

Limb transplantation and targeted reinnervation: a practical comparison

Targeted reinnervation in the transfemoral amputee: a preliminary study of surgical technique

Fall classification by machine learning using mobile phones


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Continuous Locomotion-Mode Identification for Prosthetic Legs Based on Neuromuscular-Mechanical Fusion

A Decision-Based Velocity Ramp for Minimizing the Effect of Misclassifications During Real-Time Pattern Recognition Control

Real-Time Myoelectric Control of Knee and Ankle Motions for Transfemoral Amputees

Development of a Model Osseo-Magnetic Link for Intuitive Rotational Control of Upper-Limb Prostheses

Determining the Optimal Window Length for Pattern Recognition-Based Myoelectric Control: Balancing the Competing Effects of Classification Error and Controller Delay

Robotic touch shifts perception of embodiment to a prosthesis in targeted reinnervation amputees


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Amputation with median nerve redirection (targeted reinnervation) reactivates forepaw barrel subfield in rats

Study of stability of time-domain features for electromyographic pattern recognition

Quantifying pattern recognition-based myoelectric control of multifunctional transradial prostheses

Novel model for end-neuroma formation in the amputated rabbit forelimb

The effects of increased prosthetic ankle motions on the gait of persons with bilateral transtibial amputations.


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Examination of Force Discrimination in Human Upper Limb Amputees with Reinnervated Limb Sensation Following Peripheral Nerve Transfer

Spatial Filtering Improves EMG Classification Accuracy Following Targeted Muscle Reinnervation

The effect of ECG interference on pattern-recognition-based myoelectric control for targeted muscle reinnervated patients

Targeted reinnervation for transhumeral amputees: current surgical technique and update on results

Adaptive Pattern Recognition of Myoelectric Signals: Exploration of Conceptual Framework and Practical Algorithms

Targeted Muscle Reinnervation for Real-Time Myoelectric Control of Multifunction Artificial Arms

The Fitting of a Unilateral Shoulder Disarticulation Prosthesis After Electrical Burn Injury: A Case Report

A Strategy for Identifying Locomotion Modes Using Surface Electromyography


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Control of a Six Degree of Freedom Prosthetic Arm After Targeted Muscle Reinnervation Surgery

Modeling of Prosthetic Limb Rotation Control by Sensing Rotation of Residual Arm Bone

Improved Myoelectric Prosthesis Control Using Targeted Reinnervation Surgery: A Case Series

An Analysis of EMG Electrode Configuration for Targeted Muscle Reinnervation Based Neural Machine Interface

Targeted Reinnervation to Improve Prosthesis Control in Transhumeral Amputees. A Report of Three Cases


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Redirection of Cutaneous Sensation from the Hand to the Chest Skin of Human Amputees with Targeted Reinnervation

Decoding a New Neural Machine Interface for Control of Artificial Limbs

Targeted Reinnervation for Enhanced Prosthetic Arm Function in a Woman with a Proximal Amputation: A Case Study


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Phantom Limb Pain Treatment with Mirtazapine: A Case Series

Biofeedback in the Treatment of Phantom Limb Pain: A Time-Series Analysis


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Finite Element Modeling of Electromagnetic Signal Propagation in a Phantom Arm


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The Hyper-Reinnervation of Rat Skeletal Muscle