Occupational Therapists: (McCluskey & Bishop, 2009; raters were two OT lecturers with expert EBP knowledge)
- Excellent inter-rater reliability; test version 1 (n = 10) (ICC = 0.96)
- Excellent inter-rater reliability; test version 2 (n = 10) (ICC = 0.91)
AFT rater training consisted of a 2-hour training session utilizing scored and unscored copies of the test, after which raters had two weeks to practice rating 20 tests with the scoring matrix (McCluskey & Bishop, 2009).
Occupational Therapists and Physical Therapists: (Lizarondo et al.,2013; n = 55; OTs and PTs; bachelor’s degree 62%; completed postgraduate degree 38%; less than 50% had prior EBP training or participation in research; participants took the AFT one time; raters consisted of four PTs with varying levels of professional experience; Rater 1 - master’s in sport and musculoskeletal PT, two years outpatient and hospital experience, one year EBP-related research experience, no teaching experience or other professional qualifications; Rater 2 - master’s in manual and sport PT, five years outpatient experience, 2.5 years EBP-related research experience, occasional [clinical demonstration] teaching experience, level 2 sports trainer certification; Rater 3 - PhD candidate and health-related master’s in PT and clinical psychology, internship experience only, seven years EBP-related research experience, 16 year undergraduate and one year postgraduate teaching experience; Rater 4 - PhD candidate and master’s in PT, two years hospital experience, 8.5 years EBP-related research experience, 14 years undergraduate and nine years postgraduate teaching experience, director of research center for five years)
Reliability Estimates for Inexperienced and Experienced raters
ICC (95% CI)
Adapted Fresno Test item
2. Where might you find answers to these questions? Name as many possible sources of information as you can. List advantages and disadvantages.
0.96 (0.86–0.99)
0.97 (0.86–0.99)
3. What type of study (design) would best answer your clinical question and why?
0.94 (0.80–0.98)
4. Describe the search strategy you might use in Medline topics, fields, rationale and limits.
0.66 (−0.04 to 0.90)
0.70 (0.06–0.91)
5. What characteristics of a study determine if it is relevant?
0.24 (−0.34 to 0.70)
0.95 (0.83–0.99)
6. What characteristics of a study determine its validity?
0.70 (−0.02 to 0.91)
0.98 (0.92–0.99)
Total score
0.58 (−0.26 to 0.88)
0.92 (0.72–0.98)
*Inexperienced: Raters 1 and 2.
†Experienced: Raters 3 and 4.
Dieticians/Nutritionists, Social Workers, and Speech Pathologists: (Lizarondo et al., 2014; speech pathologists (SP), n = 10; social workers (SW), n = 16; dietician/nutritionists (DN), n = 12; bachelor’s degree 50%; postgraduate degree 50%; previous EBP training or research <
50%; majority in clinical practice more than 10 years; participants took the AFT one time; raters were four individuals experienced in research and teaching EBP to allied health students)
- Excellent SP inter-rater reliability (ICC = 0.93)
- Excellent SW inter-rater reliability (ICC = 0.83)
- Excellent DN inter-rater reliability (ICC = 0.92)