Telephone Number
1-844-355-ABLEAbout Me
About Me
Lori Bravi is committed to excellence as a Level IV Occupational Therapist in the clinic, research lab, and academics at RIC. Ms. Bravi has developed a strong focus in treating the neurological population, vision, cancer rehabilitation, and chronic pain. She complements her time in the clinic with teaching other therapists on the national level through the RIC Academy, serves as a peer-reviewer for Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation, and mentors engineering students through Northwestern University's DTC Program. Lori serves the rehabilitation community through accepted invitations to National Advisory Panels for AOTA, Cortical Stimulation, Botox, and Spasticity. She served on the Board of Directors for the SCIA-IL from 2013-2016. Most recently, Ms. Bravi published chapters on Brain Injury, Stroke, and Neurodevelopment Conditions in an OT Board Review Book, a testimony to her experience in Inpatient Rehabilitation, DayRehabilitation, Outpatient Therapy and Research.
Shirley Ryan AbilityLab
355 East Erie
Chicago, IL 60611
Honors + Awards
Board Certification in Physical Rehabilitation (BCPR)American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA)
, 2012 -
Buchanan Family Fellowship Recipient- Constraint Induced Movement TherapyRIC Academy
, 2009 -
Sarah Baskin Award for Excellence in ResearchRIC Academy
, 2006 -
Buchanan Family Fellowship- Motor ImageryRIC Academy
, 2003