Workers’ compensation patients, case managers and payers face real challenges. From finding the best care, to managing long-term costs, to coordinating care across providers, you’re juggling multiple responsibilities every day. The Shirley Ryan AbilityLab's team is here to help. With decades of experience with work-related injuries, we're dedicated to making things run smoothly for you, keeping all parties informed and tailoring our services and programs to fit your specific needs.
Helping Your Injured Worker
- Single Point of Contact: Part of AbilityLab's Workers’ Compensation care model is to provide a specialized rehabilitation Care Manager who understands workers’ compensation and your needs. Our Care Managers provide you with the information and access you need: copies of medical records, updates on progress, financial information needed to set reserves, and Life Care Planning information. In short, everything you need to insure you are able to fully participate in the critical decisions surrounding the care of our shared patient.
- Catastrophic Care Experience and Expertise: While small community rehabilitation units may see one or two catastrophic cases each year, our clinical team provides treatment for thousands of catastrophic injuries each year. Our deep team of clinical experts promote realistic hope in a therapeutic environment that routinely returns patients with some of the most complex diagnoses to their communities and to work.
- Spectrum of Pain Care (Acute, Subacute, and Chronic) – After initial injury our comprehensive outpatient centers gets evidence-based results with efficient, nonsurgical, outpatient care for injured workers with recent musculoskeletal injuries. In a recent study, AbilityLab patients reported a significant reduction in pain and significant increase in functional goals, including return to work.
- Returning Patients to Work: Return to work is a central focus for our treatment teams. In addition to our clinical observations, the team will provide data from neuropsychological testing, functional capacity evaluations and vocational testing to gather the information needed to form a successful return-to-work plan.
If you have more questions about the Shirley Ryan AbilityLab’s Workers Compensation Program contact Lisa Ulrich. If you’re ready to make a referral for your case, contact Nell Maggio for catastrophic injuries and Mary Fallon for Complex Pain.
Care Manager, Workers' Compensation
Nell Maggio, LSW
Care Manager, Workers' Compensation
Mary Fallon, BSN, RN, CRRN