Physical Therapy


  • Targets strength, flexibility and mobility training to optimize quality of movement and promote independence.
  • Collaborates with families to improve positioning and assess posture in order to maximize developmental skills.
  • Incorporates innovative, state-of-the-art equipment, assistive devices and orthoses to maximize mobility.

Occupational Therapy


  • Evaluates your child’s participation in daily activities and develops therapeutic techniques to increase independence in doing them.
  • Promotes fine-motor skill development to increase participation in school tasks and dressing, and in using communication devices.
  • Facilitates adaptive play through the use of both specialized and commercially available toys.
  • Provides postural and seating-system recommendations to optimize positioning and promote engagement with a daily environment.

Speech Therapy


Speech therapy will assess your child’s communication and feeding skills to develop an optimal course of treatment through:

  • Sensory-based feeding strategies
  • Instrumental assessment of swallowing skills:
    • Video Fluoroscopy Swallow Study (VFSS): An X-ray assessment of swallowing capabilities
    • Fiberopticendoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing (FEES): A transnasal scope that provides a visual assessment of the pharyngeal structural integrity and levels of secretion.
  • Collaboration with our Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Center to facilitate and expand your child’s language skills using:
    • AAC communication devices, ranging from manual communication boards to voice generating computers, provide increased opportunities for self-expression. If your child’s manual dexterity is limited, we can adapt these tools to function with a joystick, alternative keyboard, switches or eye movement.

A Trusted Team of Experts


Our physicians, therapists and prosthetists/orthotists are highly trained specialists in the field of pediatric rehabilitation, translating research into treatment for all diagnoses.

Although there may be limited research on some rare diagnoses, our clinical practice makes it a priority to seek opportunities for applying evidence-based treatments to assist your child today and shape future treatments for tomorrow.