
Writing, eating, shaking hands, even changing TV channels …

Unless you have lost upper-extremity function, you probably take for granted all of the everyday tasks that require the use of your arms. The fact is, almost every type of independent work and leisure activity involves the use of your arms. If you have weakness in one or both arms due to stroke or brain injury, you are no doubt aware of this.

A Powerful New Approach to Arm Therapy


Found in the world's only Arms + Hands Ability Lab and developed with our own Stroke Neurorehabilitation Program, the Armeo offers a powerful new approach to arm therapy to strengthen arm movement and grip strength.

This state-of-the-art rehabilitation tool, manufactured by Hocoma, uses gaming technology to improve function even in severely weakened arms. Armeo therapy is an easy and effective complement to physical or occupational therapy and other rehabilitation methods.

Features of the Armeo arm therapy tool include:

  • Adjustable arm support
  • A highly sensitive hand grip and videogame-like exercises to simulate arm movements used in specific real-life tasks.
  • Exercises are carried out in the virtual environment on a computer screen, providing you with goal-oriented tasks and giving you immediate visual feedback.
  • Because the weight of the arm is counterbalanced in the arm support, you can use residual neuromuscular control to perform the exercises and gradually build strength in your arm.
  • Built-in sensors and software record arm movements at each joint, so you and your therapist can track your improvement, determine the appropriate difficulty level for you and customize your training program as you progress.
  • The user-friendly technology makes it easy for you to work on your own, or with a physical or occupational therapist. Patients who have used the Armeo report that it’s not only effective, but more fun than traditional exercises, making it easier to stay motivated and progress more quickly.