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Sports for Kids Year-Round Programs
Sports for Kids School Year Programs offers a variety of recreational, social and sports activities from September through June.
Motor Impairment Related Changes in Muscles Properties in Chronic Stroke
Interested in understanding if the chronic neural impairments & disuse of the upper limb associated with hemiparetic stroke lead to changes in muscle structure
Research Project
Rehabilitation Institute Receives $10M for Research Hospital
Inspired by Mark’s journey at RIC and the unwavering support of his wife, Margaret, Timothy and Sharon Ubben have contributed $10 million in support of the Shirley Ryan AbilityLab, RIC’s state-of-the-art research hospital.
Intraoperative Sarcomere Length Measurements
We have found that spastic muscle, although having a normal stretch reflex, has a significantly higher intrinsic muscle stiffness compared to control muscle.
Research Project
Relationship Between Intramuscular Pressure and Muscle Force
We are developing a minimally invasive tool to measure muscle force using fiber optics.
Research Project
Chronic Pain Programs
We have designed intensive, interdisciplinary programs to help you get your body and mind back on track so you can return to your life.
Leora Cherney, PhD, Named Research Chair for Shirley Ryan AbilityLab
Dr. Cherney to serve as chair of Think + Speak Lab within RIC’s new research hospital.
Press Release
Classic Video Game System Used to Improve Understanding of the Brain
RIC researcher uses Donkey Kong to help guide new approaches in neuroscience.
3D Imaging of Muscles Points to Potential Treatments for Muscle Diseases and Injuries
A new form of 3D imaging of muscles has allowed researchers to “see” inside muscle and trace long cables made up of a protein called collagen.
Pain Management: Placebo Sweet Spot for Pain Identified in Brain
New technology will enable targeted pain medication based on individual’s brain response and allow clinical trials to more accurate weed out placebo responders
Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago Announces $10 Million Gift from the Regenstein Foundation
Regenstein Foundation gives large gift to support the Center for Bionic Medicine in RIC’s new, state-of-the-art hospital.
Press Release
Mike and Lindy Keiser Make Significant Gift to Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago
The gift — the amount of which is confidential — has been directed to the capital campaign for the AbilityLab, RIC’s state-of-the-art research hospital.
Press Release