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Children with Cerebral Palsy - Trunk Control and Walking Study
The primary purpose for this study is to determine the effects of a robotic training on trunk control and walking ability in children with cerebral palsy.
Age Range
Clinical Trial
Neuromuscular mechanisms of specific trunk interventions in children with cerebral palsy
The goal of the proposed study is to examine the neuromuscular mechanisms underlying the therapeutic effect of hippotherapy and determine whether repeated exposure to a pelvic perturbation force would be effective in improving trunk postural control and gait of children with cerebral palsy. This study is supported by NIH/NINDS, 1R01NS115487, Date of Project Period: 03/01/2020-02/28/2025
Research Project
Max Nader KAFO Research Featured in UChicago Medicine
Research conducted by the Max Nader Center on evaluating a novel Knee-Ankle Foot Orthosis was featured recently in a UChicago Medicine magazine article.
In the News
Congratulations to Our 2023 Pilot Projects Awardees!
Meet our project awardees that were selected to receive funding as part of the Center for Smart Use of Technology to Assess Real-World Outcomes (C-STAR) Pilot Project Program.
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Sara Karon: Dedicated to Helping People with Disabilities
Learn more about Sara Karon and her dedication to helping people with disabilities.
In the News
Participant Council to Play Major Role in Developing New Quality-of-Life Measures for People with Disabilities
Karon has spent decades developing quality-of-life measures for people with disabilities and is leading a project at the Center for Rehabilitation Outcomes Research (CROR) at the Shirley Ryan AbilityLab.
In the News
New Grant Focuses on Supporting Quality of Life For People Receiving Home- and Community-based Services
The Center for Rehabilitation Outcomes Research (CROR) has received a new $4.4 million, five-year grant from the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR).
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Pain Catastrophizing Scale
Area of Assessment
CognitionNegative Affect
Stress & Coping
minutesAssessment Type
Patient Reported Outcomescost
$0.00Rehabilitation Measure
A Day to Celebrate – Michael’s Stroke Anniversary
Each January 3rd, Michael V. reflects on the day six years ago that radically changed his life. But this is also a day that he chooses to celebrate. Read why Michael says his stroke anniversary is a day to celebrate.
Neuromodulation Study Has Participant Take Her First Steps
The neuromodulation study conducted by our principal investigator, Dr. Monica Perez, and her team members of the Neuromodulation & Motor Control Lab has created some excitement in the rehabilitation community with recent gains in neurological response in a person with a spinal cord injury who has taken her first steps.
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Intuitive Control of a Hybrid Prosthetic Leg During Ambulation
The objective of this research is to determine the clinical benefits of an innovative and lightweight powered leg controlled using our intent recognition framework in laboratory and community environments.
Age Range
Clinical Trial
SPEAK OUT!® Programs
A two-part speech therapy program to help individuals with Parkinson’s regain and maintain effective communication: SPEAK OUT!®.