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Adaptive Seated Yoga
Participants explore yoga postures and breathing exercises that will increase flexibility and postural alignment.
Musculoskeletal Medicine
A multitude of soft-tissue injuries can benefit from the latest in Musculoskeletal Medicine.
Proactive Parkinson’s Disease Exercise Program
PWR! Fit is an advanced level group exercise class that incorporates the latest approach to exercise for early staged individuals with Parkinson’s disease.
Experience of Robotic Exoskeleton Use at Four Spinal Cord Injury Model Systems Centers
Publication that describes clinicians' experiences, evaluations, and training strategies using robotic exoskeletons in sci rehabilitation
In the News
Efficacy of a Telehealth Pain Self-Management Intervention in Employed Adults with Physical Disability: A Randomized Controlled Trial
The project addresses the needs of employed individuals with physical disabilities who are at risk of under or unemployment due to chronic pain.
Research Project
Promoting Job Retention for Persons with a Physical Disability: Employer, Client, Job, and Environment-Related Barriers and Facilitators
Project of the Rehabilitation Research and Training Centers (RRTC) grant sponsored by NIDILRR: Promoting Job Retention for Persons with a Physical Disability.
Research Project
Post-Doctoral Fellowship in the Center for Rehabilitation Outcomes Research
Post-Doctoral Fellow, CROR, will assist in the design, development, execution, and implementation of research and/or in collaboration with a CROR team.
In the News
Dr. Leora Cherney Honored by Academy of Neurologic Communication Disorders and Sciences
Leora Cherney, PhD, scientific chair, Think + Speak Lab, at Shirley Ryan AbilityLab recently received the top award of the ANCDS, Honors of the Academy.
In the News
A Letter from Chief Nursing Officer Karen Colby
In this letter, Chief Nursing Officer Karen Colby welcomes nursing at Shirley Ryan AbilityLab.
Announcing: Shirley Ryan AbilityLab - Pod Series: Stroke Edition
A first of many seasons of the Pod Series: Stroke Edition
Take a dive into stroke with Dr. Allison Kessler with several guests from Shirley Ryan AbilityLab
Take a dive into stroke with Dr. Allison Kessler with several guests from Shirley Ryan AbilityLab