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Shirley Ryan AbilityLab Amputee Research Registry
The purpose of this study is to develop an amputee registry to include upper and lower limb loss participants to assist recruitment for current and future research.
Age Range
Ages 18-95
Clinical Trial

Study of Tongue Movement for Diagnostics and Rehabilitation
The Shirley Ryan AbilityLab is conducting a research study on tongue movement to develop new diagnostic and rehabilitation methods. Participants will wear a smart mouth retainer and use their tongue to move a cursor on a computer monitor.
Clinical Trial

Pain Management Center
Helping patients manage their pain and improve quality of life through interdisciplinary treatments and developing long-term strategies and plans.

COMPLETE: Safety, Reliability, and Efficacy of the Harmony SHR Upper Extremity Robotic Rehabilitation System in the Inpatient Rehabilitation Setting for Patients with Acute Stroke
The objective of this study is to evaluate the safety, reliability, and effectiveness of the use of Harmony SHR in rehabilitation of the upper extremities in the inpatient stroke population as compared to conventional occupational therapy.
Research Project

COMPLETE: Evaluation of a Soft Exosuit for Acute Stroke Recovery
The first arm of this study aims to develop individualized controller parameters and a training progression program for inpatients post stroke utilizing the soft exo suit.
Research Project

Wearable Sensor Platform to Monitor Stroke Recovery During Inpatient Rehabilitation
The purpose of this study is to assess the feasibility of continuous long-term monitoring of inpatients with stroke using wearable sensors.
Age Range
Clinical Trial

COMPLETE: Towards the Development of a 3D Imaging and Classification System for Exoskeleton Systems
This study aims to validate a proposed solution that will provide users a practical way to adjust their exoskeleton/bionic suit's gait to precisely achieve their navigational goals.
Research Project

COMPLETE: Wearable Airbag Technology to Mitigate Falls in Individuals with Parkinson’s Disease
We expect that a smart, wearable airbag system that can accurately predict falls and quickly inflate will reduce hip fractures in people with Parkinson's.
Research Project
COMPLETE: Personalized Mobility Interventions using Smart Sensor Resources for Lower-Limb Prothesis Users
The rehabilitation goal for individuals with amputations is to enable reintegration into society, employment, independent living, economic and social self-sufficiency—and for Service Members, a return to active duty and redeployment, where possible.
Research Project

COMPLETE: Power Forward Study: A Cross-Sector, Multisite Clinical Trial of a Powered Knee-Ankle-Foot Orthosis
The overall objective of this study is to evaluate the impact of using the Nomad P-KAFO in people who have had a musculoskeletal or neurological injury that has affected their ability to walk.
Research Project

COMPLETE: Evaluation of a Robotic Trainer for Children with Cerebral Palsy
The purpose of this study to determine the safety and benefit of the BiOMOTUM RAAD robotic exoskeleton device to provide resistance as a tool used in walking training intervention in the pediatric cerebral palsy population.
Research Project