Not Finding What You're Looking For?
Wheelchair Seating and Positioning Center
Individualized seating system can promote good posture, enhance breathing and digestion, prevent complications such as pressure sores and skin irritation.
Pulmonary Phase III
Maintenance program for individuals with chronic pulmonary conditions looking to maintain their functional abilities.
AphasiaScripts™ is a software program designed for script practice. It uses a Personal Animated Therapist (PAT).
Software Products for People with Aphasia
Oral Reading for Language in Aphasia (ORLA®) and AphasiaScripts® a person with aphasia repeatedly reads sentences out loud, together with a speech therapist.
Military Services
Caring for military personnel who sustain injuries or experience catastrophic illnesses during active duty, basic training, or while on bases.
Workers' Compensation
AbilityLab has decades of experience in workers' compensation cases, and we are dedicated to making things work smoothly for you.
ExpertEval Second Opinion
Whether you're facing a new diagnosis or need a first or second opinion, trust the Shirley Ryan AbilityLab to ensure you're getting the best care.
COMPLETE: The Effect of Powered-Knee Exoskeleton Assist on Stair Climbing in Acute CVA
Project aims to determine if an exoskeleton with powered-assist for knee extension during stair training will result in improved functional mobility outcomes.
Research Project
Family Housing
Our Family Housing Program provides affordable housing options close to our flagship hospital in downtown Chicago for families of inpatients in need of accommodations.
National Patients
Patients travel to the AbilityLab from across the United States to take advantage of our inpatient, DayRehabCenter®, outpatient, and ExpertEval® services.
Go Baby Go Video Feature
For several years, Dr. Jayaraman and volunteers from the Shirley Ryan AbilityLab and Kiwanis Club River Forest-Oak Park have organized a local Go Baby Go event in which motorized cars are customized for children with developmental disabilities.
In the News
Design + Structure
We are revolutionizing the future of rehabilitation by creating a new model of care and that also means developing a new approach to hospital layout & design