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At Home Workout: STOMPS
Strengthening and Optimal Movements for Painful Shoulders, STOMPS for short, is a home-based exercise program that has been shown to be effective in reducing long-standing shoulder pain in people with spinal cord injury.
Congratulations on Dr Debbie Lee’s Winning Sarah Baskin Presentation!
Congratulations are in order to Dr. Debbie Lee, who received a 1st place Sarah Baskin Research Award for her presentation.
In the News
Identifying specialized Immune Cells May Improve Early Detection of Parkinson’s Disease
Dr. Jennifer Goldman and her team discovered the important key presence of specialized immune cells called alpha-synuclein reactive T-cells that could be found in patients to detect a diagnosis of Parkinson's Disease before symptoms are present.
In the News
WBEZ: How One Chicago-Area Family Survived COVID-19
Sandy Wilson-Muriel and her mother Gladys Wilson were the first in their family to get sick with COVID-19 in mid-March.
ABC7: Chicago coronavirus survivor returns home after 10 weeks in 2 hospitals, rehab center
It took two and a half months, but Marian Steele fought COVID-19 and won, and now she's back home.
D-Cycloserine for the Treatment of Chronic, Refractory Low Back Pain
This clinical trial is to evaluate the efficacy and safety of D-cycloserine versus placebo in relieving the signs and symptoms of patients with chronic lower back pain
Age Range
18 or older
Clinical Trial
Sit for Five Minutes & Improve Your Posture
If you find yourself sitting for most of the day, you may feel tension throughout certain areas of the midback and neck. Without appropriate interventions, tissues in these areas can become stiff, weak, tight or too loose. And, imbalanced muscles often contribute to poor posture and can potentially lead to an injury.
The Center for Smart Use of Technologies to Assess Real World Outcomes (C-STAR) offers the expertise, instruction and mentorship to educate rehabilitation researchers on the meaningful use of a vast array of technologies in the lab, clinic and community.
TMJ Program
A large percentage of the population experience head, neck or jaw pain (also known as TMJ, TMD, or Myofascial Pain Dysfunction). Often, the reason for this pain goes undiagnosed and people are unaware that these conditions can be treated successfully.
Sitting All Day May Be Causing Your Jaw Pain
Have you noticed tension in your jaw, face or neck? Headaches? Clicking or popping while chewing? Pain when yawning? These symptoms may be associated a condition known as Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction, or TMJ — and may be linked with prolonged sitting or postural changes.
What Is Your Pelvic Floor? And Why You Should Stop Ignoring It
The pelvic floor is a bowl of muscles at the bottom of the pelvis that helps to control bowel, bladder and sexual function. It consists of three layers from superficial to deep that have differing functions.
Pelvic Floor: Where Kegels Come in
Stop me if you’ve heard this advice from a well-meaning person in your life: “Do your Kegels…” but with no other instructions on how to do them or how often. What even is a Kegel anyway?