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Free Parkinson's Service Program For Employment Retention
This free program is designed to provide people with Parkinson's with job services to help to get or sustain employment with their disability.
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Max Näder Center Partnering with AbbVie to Study Investigational Treatment for Spinal Cord Injury
The Max Näder Center is partnering with AbbVie to evaluate the potential of an investigational monoclonal antibody that may help in the treatment of spinal cord injury and other neurological conditions.
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Co-Robot Controllers for Human-Like Physical Interaction and Improved Motor Learning
This research project is working on improving the interactions between robots and humans by learning from human paired physical interaction to apply to human like robotics.
Research Project
Research Collaboration with CBM and Coapt Featured in O&P Edge, Crain's, Chicago Inno
Several news outlets recently profiled a newly funded research collaboration between the Regenstein Foundation Center for Bionic Medicine and Coapt, LLC.
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Congrats to Amanda Shorter on Her Doctoral Thesis: Ankle Joint Mechanical Impedance During Locomotion
Congratulations to Amanda Shorter on the successful defense of her doctoral dissertation, Ankle Joint Mechanical Impedance During Locomotion - Implications for Prosthesis Control and Rehabilitation.
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Clinical Evaluation of a Novel Low-Cost Voluntary Closing Prosthetic Hand
Sheila Pach, a resident in the Shirley Ryan AbilityLab/TEAMM Prosthetic Research Residency Program, recently presented on her research, "Clinical Evaluation of a Novel Low-Cost Voluntary Closing Prosthetic Hand."
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SRAlab Roundtable: Innovations in Prosthetic Control
Dr. Levi Hargrove, PhD, Scientific Chair of the Center for Bionic Medicine, recently presented on "Innovations in Prosthetic Control" at a recent SRAlab Roundtable Discussion.
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Your decision to come to the Shirley Ryan AbilityLab is one of the most important choices you’ll make during your recovery. We're honored to have your trust. We'll take care of your care and comfort, so you can focus on rehabilitation journey.
Workshop on Job Accommodations Video Series
On Oct. 29th, 2019, Shirley Ryan AbilityLab's Center for Rehabilitation Outcomes Research (CROR) invited job seekers with disabilities and employers to attend an all-day, interactive workshop on job accommodations.
Research Project
Clinical Partnership between Max Näder Center and Samsung
A clinical partnership between the Max Näder Center and Samsung, which focused on evaluating the Gait Enhancing and Motivating System (GEMS), was highlighted at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES), held in Las Vegas in January 2020.
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Making the Choice
Making the decision on rehabilitation can be difficult. Here are some questions you should ask and things you should consider when choosing care.
Presentations at APTA Combined Sections Meeting
Several of our graduate student researchers and staff members presented at the APTA Combined Sections Meeting in Denver last week.
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