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Manual Standing Wheelchair Presented at NIDILRR Anniversary Event
CBM's manual standing wheelchair was featured at the 40th celebration for The National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research.
In the News
16th Annual Aphasia Day in celebration of Aphasia Awareness Month: Presentation by Melanie Drane
The Language of the Heart: Stories, Creativity and Resilience in the Presence of Aphasia. Keynote address by Melanie Drane, MA, MFA, LMFT,
Research Project
Center for Bionic Medicine Wheelchair Featured at NIDILRR Celebration
A revolutionary wheelchair developed by SRAlab researchers was prominently featured at a celebration for the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research’s (NIDILRR) 40th anniversary on Thursday, Oct. 18.
How Shirley Ryan AbilityLab’s Aphasia Program Helps Participants
The ICAP consists of intensive interventions. In a typical session, 10 individuals with aphasia undergo 120 hours of individual and group aphasia therapy.
Patient Story
Dr. Colin Franz presented with Richard Materson ERF New Investigator Award at American Academy of PM&R Annual Meeting in Orlando
Dr. Colin Franz received the Materson ERF New Investigator Award from the Foundation for Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at the AAPM&R annual meeting
In the News
Dr. Colin Franz Interviewed by the Society for Neuroscience's "Neuronline" Newsletter - Giving Advice to Young Neuroscientist
Dr. Colin Franz featured in the Society for Neuroscience’s online newsletter, Neuronline, about young neuroscientists making the most of the annual meeting.
In the News
Shirley Ryan AbilityLab to Host Tenth Annual SkyRise Chicago
2,000 to participate in world’s tallest indoor stair-climbing event at Willis Tower in support of advancing human ability.
Press Release
Shirley Ryan AbilityLab Nursing at the Association of Rehabilitation Nurses 2018 Conference
At the Association of Rehabilitation Nurses' (ARN) REACH 2018 conference in West Palm Beach, Fla., Shirley Ryan AbilityLab nurses participated in and led several presentations — and collected one big award.
The Franz Lab at the 2018 Les Turner ALS Symposium
Members of the Lab for Regenerative Neuro-Rehabilition will present at the 8th Les Turner Symposium on ALS and NeuroRepair.
In the News
Abstract Submission Details
Information about poster abstracts submitted for the Science of Ability Symposium 2019.
PhD Candidate Max Shepherd Featured in Helix Magazine
Max Shepherd, a PhD candidate who conducts his research at the Center for Bionic Medicine, was interviewed for an article in Northwestern's Helix magazine.
In the News
"Neurotrauma in a Dish" - An induced pluripotent stem cell-based assay to determine patient specific factors affecting rehabilitation outcomes
Determining if patient induced pluripotent stem cell-derived neurons treated with in vitro neurotrauma can be used to predict clinical outcomes.
Research Project