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Improving Adherence to Spinal Cord Injury Exercise Guidelines Using Smartphone-Based Technology and E-coaching: A Proof-of-Concept SMART-Design Study
Age Range
Clinical Trial

Characterization and Clinical Trial of a Variable Friction Shoe, a new Paradigm of Reduced-Constraint Locomotor Therapy for People Exhibiting Foot Drop due to Stroke
To evaluate the effect of a variable friction shoe on walking in individuals with chronic stroke and foot drop.
Age Range
Clinical Trial

Breathing Low Oxygen to Enhance Spinal Stimulation Training and Functional Recovery in Persons with Chronic Spinal Cord Injury
Walking recovery is a key goal after spinal cord injury (SCI). While some patients experience spontaneous recovery due to preserved neural circuits, many struggle to achieve independent ambulation, and those who do often face persistent deficits. There is growing consensus that a single approach is insufficient to overcome these challenges, prompting the need for combined interventions.
Age Range
Clinical Trial

Multimodal Haptic Feedback for Plantar Sensory Substitution
Plantar sensation is crucial for gait, balance, and posture, and its loss contributes to movement disorders in conditions like multiple sclerosis, diabetes, stroke, and spinal cord injury. Current diagnostic methods use pressure sensor arrays to assess gait deficiencies, with wireless insole technology extending data collection beyond clinical settings. Building on these advances, we are investigating sensory substitution as a potential solution to restore lost plantar sensation and improve outcomes for affected individuals.
Age Range
Clinical Trial

Locomotor function following transcutaneous electrical spinal cord stimulation in individuals with hemiplegic stroke
Despite advances in stroke rehabilitation, more than two-thirds of the 7 million stroke survivors in the U.S. still struggle to walk independently in their communities. Most current therapies focus on stimulating the brain areas that control leg movement, yet many stroke survivors continue to face issues like poor coordination, spasticity, and muscle weakness. We propose a different approach—using electrical stimulation of the spinal cord to improve walking after stroke. This study is looking for persons who have had a stroke to determine if spinal stimulation helps improve walking ability.
Age Range
Clinical Trial

Help Us Learn About How You Use Your Arms In Daily Life
How does arm use in daily life change during the course of outpatient rehabilitation therapy? Data from wearable sensors and your feedback will help us learn how we can improve treatments to help people return to important daily activities.
Clinical Trial

Community Outreach Model of Education and Training on Communication: COMET-C
Age Range
21 - 99
Clinical Trial

MENTOR: Mindfulness, Exercise & Nutrition to Optimize Resilience
MENTOR is an 8-week introductory wellness
program designed to support your health – all
from the comfort of your home.
program designed to support your health – all
from the comfort of your home.
Age Range
Clinical Trial

Robot-Assisted Upper Extremity Rehabilitation
The Shirley Ryan Ability Lab is conducting a research study on how robots can be used as rehabilitation tools.
Clinical Trial

Robot-Assisted Rehabilitation Research Study
Shirley Ryan AbilityLab is conducting a research study on how robots can be used as rehabilitation tools.
Clinical Trial

Research Survey: Answer questions about your experience receiving Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS)
The purpose of this study is to test a set of surveys designed to determine if Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) are person-centered. HCBS are services that help people with disabilities or older adults to live in the community and are paid for by Medicaid.
Age Range
Clinical Trial

Impact of Sensory Electrical Stimulation on Sensation and Tremor
The Shirley Ryan AbilityLab is studying the effect of nerve stimulation on proprioception (your sense of touch) and fine motor control in the hands, wrists, and arms to reduce tremor in patients with essential tremor. We are seeking healthy adults to participate as a comparison group.
Age Range
Clinical Trial