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Improve dynamic lateral balance of humans with spinal cord injury
This study is investigating gait training techniques that could help people with a spinal cord injury walk faster, reduce fall risk, and improve their functional balance.
Clinical Trial

Center for Rehabilitation Outcomes Research Registry
The aim of this project is to develop a registry of research volunteers for recruitment purposes at the Center for Rehabilitation Outcomes Research.
Age Range
18 or older
Clinical Trial

Children with Cerebral Palsy - Trunk Control and Walking Study
The primary purpose for this study is to determine the effects of a robotic training on trunk control and walking ability in children with cerebral palsy.
Age Range
Clinical Trial

Intuitive Control of a Hybrid Prosthetic Leg During Ambulation
The objective of this research is to determine the clinical benefits of an innovative and lightweight powered leg controlled using our intent recognition framework in laboratory and community environments.
Age Range
Clinical Trial

Accelerating Physical Therapy Exercise Monitoring in Parkinsons
This study will explore different ways to integrate digital health technology and behavior change interventions into physical therapy settings to improve exercise monitoring and maintenance. We are looking for people with Parkinson's Disease who are referred to the Proactive PT Program at Shirley Ryan AbilityLab.
Clinical Trial

Outcomes Testing with Myoelectric Upper Limb Prosthesis Users
This study is exploring what factors may impact function using a prosthesis.
Age Range
18 +
Clinical Trial

Determining the neural and biomechanical contributions to age-dependent impairments in balance control
The purpose of this study is to understand how muscles control the ankle and how individuals respond to unexpected perturbations at the ankle in healthy adults.
Age Range
Clinical Trial

Determining the biomechanical deficits in individuals with chronic ankle instability
The purpose of this research study is to better understand the stability of the ankle in healthy individuals who experience recurring ankle sprains and feelings of instability.
Age Range
Clinical Trial

Spinal Cord Injury Model Systems Equity and Quality in Assistive Technology (EQuATe)
The objective of this project is to investigate the equity and quality of assistive technology (AT) provision and outcomes for individuals with spinal cord injury (SCI) or a diagnosis that affects the spinal cord.
Clinical Trial

Neuromodulation and Neurorehabilitation for Treatment of Functional Deficits after mTBI plus PTSD
The purpose of this study is to alleviate persisting attention deficits related to mild TBI and PTSD by treating the neurocognitive system of attention.
Age Range
Clinical Trial

Spasticity after Spinal Cord Injury
This study is recruiting current 6-month outpatients who have a spinal cord injury,
Age Range
Clinical Trial

Repetitive Acute Intermittent Hypoxia for Spinal Cord Repair
This research is being conducted to study the effects of breathing low oxygen air (hypoxia) and exercise training on recovery of upper limb (arms and hands) and lower limb (legs) function in people with spinal cord injury.
Age Range
Ages 18-85
Clinical Trial