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A Pilot Investigation to Determine what Pathogens are Present on Gel Liners Worn by Amputees
The goal of this project is to explore the correlation of potentially harmful bacteria to various liner conditions such as age of the liner, material properties, and patient hygiene practices.
Research Project
Bilateral Priming for Upper Extremity Hemiparesis
The purpose of the study is to determine the best treatment for the arm that has been affected by a stroke. The investigators plan to determine if the arm affected by a stroke will improve with a combination of motor priming and motor training.
Research Project
Functional Connectivity in the Upper Limb for Individuals Post-Stroke
This project focuses on the neuroplastic mechanisms that enable some people with stroke to regain high quality control of their paretic arm post-stroke.
Research Project
RRTC: Employment Technical Assistance Highlights and FAQs
A technical assistance consultation and help desk is available, to provide information and resources related to employment of people with physical disabilities, training, and outcome measures, to people with disabilities, service providers, consumer advocates, employers, researchers, educators, students, and clinicians.
Research Project
Using a Health Technology Assessment Framework for Evaluating the Utilization and Efficiency of Wearable Exoskeleton for Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation
The goal of this collaborative module was to obtain evidence that informs consumers, clinicians, insurers, and manufacturers about the utilization and cost-effectiveness of robotic exoskeletons in inpatient, outpatient, and community settings.
Research Project
Paulo Aco: A Love of Sports and Movement Leads to a Role in Parkinson’s Disease Research
Learn more about Paulo Aco and how his love of sports and movement lead to a role in parkinson’s disease research.
Research Project
Parkinson’s Works Support Group Helps Members Navigate Employment Challenges
Lynn Johnson was a busy mother of two and a senior project manager when she was diagnosed with early-onset Parkinson’s disease in her 40s.
Research Project
Study Looks at Parkinson’s Disease and Employment
The goal of the prospective observational study is to gain insight into whether vocational rehabilitation (VR) counseling and other resources can help people with Parkinson’s remain employed.
Research Project
Tiny Machine Poised to Unlock Brain’s Mysteries
A team of scientists, led by researchers at Shirley Ryan AbilityLab, Northwestern University and the University of Illinois at Chicago, has developed novel technology promising to increase understanding of how brains develop, and offer answers on repairing brains in the wake of neurotrauma and neurodegenerative diseases.
Research Project
Rehabilitation Measures Database - 500+ rehab measures
Containing more than 500 rehabilitation measures and supported by some of the world's best doctors, therapists, researchers, and educators, the Rehabilitation Measures Database is the go-to resource for measuring benchmarks and outcomes in physical medicine and rehabilitation.
Research Project
Real-Time Mobile Cognitive Assessments for Stroke Rehabilitation
This research project will look at the use of mobile cognitive assessments (MCAs) as complementary tools to traditional neuropsychological assessments with the potential to change the way research is conducted for persons after stroke and, ultimately, others with neurological conditions.
Research Project
Improving Adherence to Exercise Guidelines Using Smartphone-Based Technology and E-coaching: A Proof-of-Concept SMART-Design Study
In this Spinal Cord Injury Model Systems (SCIMS) Site Specific Project, our research team will conduct a proof-of-concept project in which we use Sequential Multiple Assignment Randomized Trial (SMART) design to test an intervention to enhance adherence to exercise guidelines in individuals with spinal cord injury (SCI) by using smartphone technology, ecological momentary assessment (EMA) monitoring, and e-coaching.
Research Project