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The neural control of internal joint integrity
This project examines how the nervous system activates muscles activations to minimize joint injuries.
Research Project
Cortically-controlled functional electrical stimulation for neurorehabilitation
We are attempting to restore motor function in animals following spinal cord injury using a neural engineering approach.
Research Project
Limb Motor Control Lab: Motor Cortical Representation of Reaching and Grasping
The foundation of our work has been for many years, the study of the brain's representation of reaching and grasping movements.
Research Project
Development of motor cortical interfaces for control of reaching, grasping and locomotion
Using multi-electrode array technology and the basic principles we and other labs have discerned through basic research, we are working to develop neural interfaces that allow us to read out detailed information about arm movements from the motor cortex.
Research Project
Somatosensory representation of limb state during reaching
Although poorly understood and scarcely even appreciated as a real sense, "proprioception", the innate sense of limb positon and movement, is a critical component of our ability to make normal movements.
Research Project
Development of somatosensory interfaces for the restoration of proprioception
Studies have revealed that this loss of somatosensation (the "sense of the body") in the very unusual cases when normal strength is preserved, makes standing, walking, and normal arm movements almost impossible.
Research Project
Robotic Mobility in a Fitness Center
Test KineAssist MX on the ways it simulates over ground activities, force fields, provide standardized perturbations, and assure safety in challenging tasks.
Research Project
Multi-user Virtual Training Environment for Upper Extremity Therapy in the Home
To develop and evaluate a multi-user virtual reality (VR) environment for training upper extremity motor control after stroke
Research Project
Community-Ready Upper Extremity Interactive Rehabilitation
This project develops and refines a clinic-ready therapy system, broadens application areas to other pathologies, and evaluates success outside the lab.
Research Project
Development of Expertise in Use of Exoskeletons for Walking in Individuals with Spinal Cord Injury
this study will both identify the level of competency necessary in various skills for independent use of the ReWalk as well training strategies for this end.
Research Project
Novel tools for in vitro electrophysiology and neurotrauma modeling
We aim to create new technology and techniques for studying physical and neurological trauma, using sensors, heaters, LED and arrays.
Research Project
Modeling effects of common genetic polymorphisms on peripheral nerve injury recovery
Every year, over 200,000 Americans sustain a peripheral nerve injury (PNI). Although peripheral nerves have the ability to spontaneously regenerate, 90% of PNI patients do not regain full motor function. Despite ongoing research, the main treatment for peripheral nerve injury—surgery— continues to be performed without the assistance of any medication or other therapies to enhance the rate of axon regrowth.
Research Project