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Sensor Technology Applied in Rehabilitation for Stroke (STARS)
The goal of the STARS project is to develop machine-learning algorithms that quantify impairments and function that impact gait and balance, using datasets obtained from advanced wearable sensors in individuals with stroke.
Research Project
TrayBall: Using LookingGlass
This system is a very straightforward use of the looking glass display system combined with a tracking device called the Leap® tracking device. It tells the computer where your hands are, and then we ask the patient to do a bimanual task to move a virtual tray to different locations in space without letting a ball roll off.
Research Project
Enhancing Accessible and Inclusive Airline Travel for People with Physical Disabilities
The goal of this proposal, developed by an interdisciplinary team led by Shu Cole, PhD, professor of health and wellness design at Indiana University, is to conduct research to generate new knowledge that can be used to improve the airline travel experiences of people with disabilities, including those with the greatest support needs.
Research Project
From My Perspective: Blog Posts From Around the World About Rehabilitation Following Spinal Cord Injury
Research Project
International Exploration of Rehabilitation Length of Stay Following Spinal Cord Injury
Shirley Ryan AbilityLab has received a $4.2 million, 5-year grant from the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR) to lead an international study exploring how differences in inpatient rehabilitation length of stay (LOS) after spinal cord injury (SCI) affect the experiences and long-term outcomes of people with SCI.
Research Project
Promoting the Psychological Health of Persons with Spinal Cord Injury
The Center for Rehabilitation Outcomes Research received 3 years of funding—covering April 2021 through April 2024—from the Craig H. Neilsen Foundation. This project aims to support the mental health of persons living with traumatic spinal cord injury (SCI).
Research Project
Intensive Comprehensive Aphasia Program
Internationally acclaimed Aphasia Program at the #1 rehabilitation hospital in the country
Research Project
Exercise and Physical Activity Surveys: Measurement Validation
In this study, we are looking to validate exercise and physical activity questionnaires compared to an activity monitor.
Research Project
Assessing Feasibility, Efficacy, and Acceptability of Visual Feedback during Heart Rate Monitoring in Rehabilitation
We are interested in monitoring patients' heart rates during group and individual rehabilitation sessions that focus on improving endurance.
Research Project
Parkinson's Research Study for Healthy Controls
We are studying biological markers, or biomarkers of Parkinson's disease to develop a way to measure how well treatment is working in individuals and identify people with PD at early stages for treatments.
Research Project
Characterization and Clinical Trial of a Variable Friction Shoe, a new Paradigm of Reduced-Constraint Locomotor Therapy for People Exhibiting Foot Drop due to Stroke
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effects of the Variable Friction shoe on gait in individuals with chronic stroke and foot drop. During each 12-week phase of an AB-BA clinical trial, participants will walk for at least 30-45 minutes per day for at least 5 days per week at home.
Research Project
Aphasia Community Programs
The Center for Aphasia Research and Treatment offers a variety of groups and classes for people with aphasia who are living in the community. All classes help the participant practice communicating in a supportive group environment.
Research Project