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Meet the Research Team: John Abbate
Research Specialist John Abbate believes strongly in making research accessible. Working in the Center for Rehabilitation Outcomes Research (CROR) at Shirley Ryan AbilityLab gives him a chance to put this into practice.
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ExpertEval Second Opinion
Whether you're facing a new diagnosis or need a first or second opinion, trust the Shirley Ryan AbilityLab to ensure you're getting the best care.
Ryan's Story: Surviving a Stroke at 20
Ryan survived a stroke when he was just 20. After months of therapy, he has made an incredible recovery. He has learned to walk and has improved hand function.
Patient Story
Catastrophic Inpatient Rehabilitation
Our 60+ board-certified physiatrists and teams of therapists and other specialists ensure your clients make their best recovery.
Eric Perreault named Northwestern University's vice president for research
Eric J. Perreault has been named Northwestern University’s vice president for research, President Michael Schill and Provost Kathleen Hagerty announced today.
In the News
Aphasia Trajectory Research Study
This study aims to recognize, identify, and evaluate the trajectory recovery and abilities of a person who has had a stroke and living with cognitive-communication challenges and their respective quality of life.
Research Project
Five Lessons My Patients Taught Me About Surviving a Pandemic
Although it can be a lot of effort to support what our patients are going through, we rehab nurses are lucky to get to know some amazing people as they go through an epic, if not always glamorous, journey. I’d like to share a few examples of ways my patients’ resilience has informed my capacity to get through this time of shared difficulty.
Referral Center
The best post-acute care an expertise, helping people from around the world with disabilities ranging from complex conditions to common ailments and injuries.
Adaptive Rock Climbing
The Chicagoland Adaptive Climbing Club provides opportunities for people with physical disabilities to enjoy the sport of climbing by providing instruction and adaptive climbing gear to help each individual reach new heights.
Almost 30 years after the ADA, lack of job accommodations continues to be a barrier to employment
When the researchers looked at people who had received accommodations such as flexible scheduling, help with transportation or a personal care attendant/assistant, they found employment rates that were eight percentage points higher than those who had not.
In the News
Understanding the Levels of the Spinal Cord
Doctors define and describe spinal cord injury (SCI) using a system of numbers and letters that align with various sections of the spine and spinal cord.