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Blair Hu Successfully Defends PhD
Graduate student researcher Blair Hu successfully defended his PhD on October 17.
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Stroke Recovery— What sets us apart?
See what sets us apart from other rehabilitation hospitals and why our outcomes for stroke patients are exceptional.
In Golf, New Study Finds Walking is Par for the Course
Walking — and not riding — the golf course provides significantly higher health benefits for those with osteoarthritis.
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Heart benefits may outweigh impact on knee osteoarthritis in golfers who walk the course and skip the cart
Golfers with knee osteoarthritis who walk the course rather than ride in a cart gain significantly higher health benefits, according to a new study.
Press Release
Open-source Bionic Leg: First-of-its-kind Platform Aims to Rapidly Advance Prosthetics
A new open-source, artificially intelligent prosthetic leg designed by University of Michigan and AbilityLab is now available to the scientific community.
Press Release
Nili Krausz Successfully Defends PhD
Graduate student researcher Nili Krausz successfully defended her doctoral thesis, “Environmental Sensing for Improved Forward Prediction for Powered Lower Limb Prostheses,” on October 23.
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New Grant Focuses on Supporting Quality of Life For People Receiving Home- and Community-based Services
The Center for Rehabilitation Outcomes Research (CROR) has received a new $4.4 million, five-year grant from the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR).
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Dr. Hargrove's research featured in Newsweek article
Dr. Hargrove's research featured in Newsweek regarding importance of prosthetics research for the lives of veterans and civilians with limb loss.
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Should I Disclose My Disability When Looking for a Job?
The conventional wisdom in vocational rehabilitation circles has long been fairly straight-forward: job applicants with non-evident disabilities should not disclose their condition or ask for reasonable accommodations until they have received a job offer.
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Should I Disclose My Disability When Looking for a Job?
Vocational rehabilitation experts say it is important for people to know that if they decide to request an accommodation, their employer is allowed to make medical inquiries, including how or if the disability would impact the person’s ability to do the job.
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