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Sitting All Day May Be Causing Your Jaw Pain
Have you noticed tension in your jaw, face or neck? Headaches? Clicking or popping while chewing? Pain when yawning? These symptoms may be associated a condition known as Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction, or TMJ — and may be linked with prolonged sitting or postural changes.
Research Informed by Care: Niveda Tennety uses Storytelling to Inform Work
In her ten months as a research assistant at the Center for Rehabilitation Outcomes Research, Niveda Tennety said one of the most important lessons she has learned is the value of storytelling.
In the News
Spinal Cord Injury Spotlight
Established in September 2014, National Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) Awareness Month raises awareness about SCI, and the need for better treatment and education. At Shirley Ryan AbilityLab, this month also gives us an opportunity to reflect on our patients, team and community.
Meet some of our outstanding colleagues and patients as they share their reflections on what this National SCI Month means to them.
Meet some of our outstanding colleagues and patients as they share their reflections on what this National SCI Month means to them.
Training Opportunities for Psychology Professionals
Our psychology department at Shirley Ryan AbilityLab offers a rehabilitation post-doctoral fellowship and pre-doctoral advanced externships.
Research Jobs & Fellowships
We offer several types of research fellowships, suitable for funding physicians or PhD scientists in rehabilitation research or others looking for careers opportunities in our field
2020 Job Market Turmoil Hits Those with Disabilities Harder, Undoing Many Hard-Won Gains
The employment challenges faced by those with disabilities are well documented. They’re often last to be hired and first to be fired.
In the News
Why the “ChronicBabe” Loves the Shirley Ryan AbilityLab Pain Management Center
After being diagnosed with fibromyalgia, Jenni came to the Pain Management Center for treatment. Today, she blogs her experience with chronic pain.
Additional Resources
Other available websites that contain assessment instrument descriptions or documents to assist you in your research.
Nick Formanski: CROR Senior Project Coordinator, Peer Mentor … and Magnuson Founder’s Award Finalist
In the News
PMR On Point.
PMR on Point taps the brainpower of our clinicians, scientists and alumni to highlight Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation from every angle.