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Angelika Kudla: A Talent for Translating Scientific Research and a Passion for Mental Health
As a Senior Project Coordinator at the Center for Rehabilitation Outcomes Research (CROR) at the Shirley Ryan AbilityLab, her job is to take CROR’s research findings and translate them into more everyday language.
In the News
Lee Miller, PhD
Research Scientist
Distinguished Professor of Neuroscience, PM&R and Physiology (NU)
CJ Heckman, PhD
Associate Chair for Research, Dept. of Physical Therapy & Human Movement Sci.
Dr. Ishan Roy Featured in National Cancer Institute’s Article on Cachexia
In a recent article published on the National Cancer Institute’s (NCI) website, Shirley Ryan AbilityLab’s Ishan Roy, MD, PhD, attending physician, Cancer Rehabilitation Clinic, and research scientist, was featured prominently as an expert on cachexia — a cancer-related muscle-wasting syndrome.
In the News
Shirley Ryan AbilityLab Nursing at the Association of Rehabilitation Nurses 2018 Conference
At the Association of Rehabilitation Nurses' (ARN) REACH 2018 conference in West Palm Beach, Fla., Shirley Ryan AbilityLab nurses participated in and led several presentations — and collected one big award.
Accommodations & Return to Work Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic Webinar
This presentation provides strategies to support the mental and physical health of your workforce as businesses continue their transition into a ‘new normal’.
Research Project
Sports Medicine
AbilityLab has physicians who specializes in the evaluation and treatment of spine, sports and musculoskeletal injuries.
How the Sim Lab Helps Clinicians Hone Their Skills
The Sim Lab on the 12th Floor, enables clinicians to log realistic medical experience and hone their diagnostic skills in a safe, controlled environment.
Angelika Kudla: A Talent for Translating Scientific Research and a Passion for Mental Health
Learn more about Angelika Kudla and her talent for translating scientific research and a passion for mental health.
In the News
CROR at the 2023 HCBS Conference
Members of the Center for Rehabilitation Outcomes Research RRTC on Home and Community-Based Services were at the 2023 HCBS Conference in Baltimore.
In the News
John’s Story: Stroke Recovery Through Research Participation
Following a stroke, 79-year-old John H. was paralyzed on the left side of his body. After living an independent life — with a long career in business and as an active father — the impact of the stroke was devastating for John and his family. However, John started his journey to regain independence with his daughters, Marie and Patricia, at his side to help him find the resources he needed.
Patient Story