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Transition planning for young adults with disabilities complicated by COVID-19
For young people with disabilities, the passage into adulthood comes with a marker that is even more fraught than these existential questions: aging out of youth supports and services and into adult services, often with little to no guidance in the process.
In the News
Transition planning for young adults with disabilities complicated by COVID-19
For young people with disabilities, the passage into adulthood comes with a marker that is even more fraught than these existential questions: aging out of youth supports and services and into adult services, often with little to no guidance in the process.
In the News
What is a Stroke?
Stroke is a sudden interruption of blood flow to the brain that causes brain injury and results in impairment or loss of some functions.
Ditching the "Dis-"
Joanne C. Smith, MD shares the career-defining moment that changed the way she approached patients with differing abilities.
Returning to Exercise After COVID
COVID is not the same as a cold or flu, and returning to physical activity after getting over COVID is not the same as hitting the gym after a mild illness.
Emotional Adjustment After Medical Challenges
After an injury or diagnosis of a serious medical condition, individuals often face emotional adjustment as they recover during rehabilitation — and as they return home to their families and communities with changes in abilities or function.
Living Fully with Multiple Sclerosis
At a poetry reading, a fellow attendee noticed Deborah’s gait and asked, "MS?” A later week-long hospital stay and battery of tests confirmed she did have MS.
Patient Story
What “The Soul Moves First” Means to Nicole
Nicole posted the below reflection to Facebook about her recent Multiple Sclerosis (MS) diagnosis and the reawakening she had seeing “The Soul Moves First” after therapy at Shirley Ryan AbilityLab.
Patient Story
Spinal Cord Injury Model System Center
One of only 14 designated "Spinal Cord Injury Model Systems" Centers, helping patients return to the community and maximizing function and independence.
Rachel Bond: Interested in Helping People Reduce Anxiety
Learn more about Rachel Bond and her interest in helping people reduce anxiety.
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