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Computerized Motion Analysis For Clinicians
The Computerized Motion Analysis team coordinates all scheduling and billing with the patient.The final report of the motion analysis will be sent in six weeks.
Richa Rai, PhD
Post-Doctoral Fellow
Edeth Engel: Connecting with People Through Research
Learn more about Edeth Engel and her ability to connect with people through research.
In the News
Science of Ability Symposium: Breakthroughs in Rehabilitation and Recovery
Bringing together leading scientists making significant advances in their field, to inspire and change the way we think about recovery and rehabilitation.
R. James Cotton, MD, PhD
Lab Director, Regenstein Foundation Center for Bionic Medicine
Reconstructive Surgery for People with Spinal Cord Injury
The Journal of Neurophysiology recently published a review by Adenike Adewuyi, MD PhD — a 2022 graduate of Shirley Ryan AbilityLab’s physical medicine and rehabilitation (PM&R) residency program — and her mentor, Colin Franz, MD, PhD, physician-scientist, at Shirley Ryan AbilityLab. The review defines a clinical framework for evaluating patients with spinal cord injuries to determine their candidacy for nerve transfer surgery.
Research Project
College Students Take Longer to Recover from a Concussion
It takes 7-14 days to recover from a concussion. Researchers questioned if it takes longer in college students who find it difficult to find time to recover.
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Electrodiagnostic Laboratory
The Electrodiagnostic Laboratory performs nerve and muscle diagnostic testing that include the electromyogram (EMG) and nerve conduction study (NCS).