COMPLETE: Personalized Mobility Interventions using Smart Sensor Resources for Lower-Limb Prothesis Users


This study is complete and is no longer recruiting subjects. 



The majority of all amputations, both in military and civilian populations, occur in the lower limb. Loss of the lower limb can cause profound disability, limiting mobility, independence, and ability to pursue employment or leisure activities. The rehabilitation goal for individuals with amputations is to enable reintegration into society, employment, independent living, economic and social self-sufficiency—and for Service Members, a return to active duty and redeployment, where possible.

Although a prosthesis is the most effective treatment for limb loss, a substantial number of persons with amputations either do not use their prescribed prosthesis or do not use it to the extent expected based on their clinically predicted ability level.

Using smartphone and wearable sensor data, standard outcome measures, and patient-reported measures, this project aims to: (1) quantify prosthesis use and identify reasons for reduced use/ability level, and (2) quantify effects of targeted interventions such as: prosthesis repair/refit, physical rehabilitation and motivational interviewing.


Subject Population


  • Unilateral or bilateral lower limb amputation at transtibial or transfemoral level
  • Ability to wear and use a prosthesis
  • Designated K-level   2 – 4, or equivalent
  • Prescription of final prosthesis
  • Ages 18-89 years

Study Personnel

Study Partners


Walter Reed National Military Medical Center

Minneapolis VA Health Care System

Funding Source


Department of Defense, Defense Health Program, Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs Orthotics and Prosthetics Outcomes Research Program.

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