This study is complete and is no longer recruiting subjects.
The overall objective of this study is to evaluate the impact of using the Nomad P-KAFO in people who have had a musculoskeletal or neurological injury that has affected their ability to walk. Participants will use both the Nomad P-KAFO, and their own device, for a period of 3 months each, and be tested on various outcomes measures on walking, balance, and mobility.
Subject Population
- 18-89 years old
- Regular and compliant use of a unilateral or bilateral KAFO or SCO, or other passive KAFOs for impairment due to neurological or neuromuscular disease, orthopedic disease, or trauma
- Cognitive ability to understand and follow the study protocol and give informed consent
- Willing to wear and charge an activity monitor for the three-month home trials
Study Personnel
Mentioned Profile

Arun Jayaraman, PT, PhD
Executive Director, Technology & Innovation Hub (tiHUB); Director, Max Näder Center for Rehabilitation Technologies & Outcomes ResearchFunding Source
Department of Defense
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