This study is complete and is no longer recruiting subjects
This study can be broken down into two arms:
- The first arm of this study aims to develop individualized controller parameters and a training progression program for inpatients post stroke utilizing the soft exo suit.
- The second arm is aimed to evaluate the impact of the soft exo suit and conventional inpatient rehabilitation vs. conventional inpatient rehabilitation alone on measures of lower-extremity impairments and functional recovery following acute stroke
Subject Population
- Age 18-85 years
- History of single stroke with deficits predominately affecting one side of the body
- Stroke less than 4 years ago (AIM 1)
- Stroke within the past 6 months (AIM 2)
- Capable of standing assistance
- Medical clearance by a physician
Study Personnel
Mentioned Profile

Arun Jayaraman, PT, PhD
Executive Director, Technology & Innovation Hub (tiHUB); Director, Max Näder Center for Rehabilitation Technologies & Outcomes ResearchFunding Source
COMET Acute Restore