Selected Publications
Effect of progressive horizontal resistive force on the comfortable walking speed of individuals post-stroke.
BACKGROUND: Individuals post-stroke select slow comfortable walking speeds (CWS) and the major factors used to select their CWS is unknown. OBJECTIVE: To determine the extent to which slow CWS post-stroke is achieved through matching a relative force output or targeting a particular walking speed.
read moreMonitoring daily function in persons with transfemoral amputations using a commercial activity monitor: a feasibility study
read moreThe effects of peroneal nerve functional electrical stimulation versus ankle-foot orthosis in patients with chronic stroke: a randomized controlled trial
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Neural Prosthesis Seminar Series with Guest Speaker Dr. Arun Jayaraman
The Cleveland FES Center’s Neural Prosthesis Seminar Series welcomes Dr. Arun Jayaraman to discuss Innovations in Wearables, Machine Learning, and Automation.
view all newsImpact Series Spotlight: Aphasia Community Groups
The Center for Aphasia Research and Treatment offers programs that give participants the opportunity to practice communication, meet others living with aphasia, learn and have fun in a supportive environment.
IEEE Spectrum Feature on Self-Balancing Exoskeleton
In a recent article in IEEE Spectrum on a self-balancing exoskeleton by Human in Motion Robotics, Arun Jayaraman, PT, PhD, Director of the Max Näder Center for Rehabilitation Technologies and Outcomes Research, provided insights on at-home use of self-balancing exoskeletons.