The OMCT is a 6-item measure of cognitive impairment based on the Blessed Test.
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Area of Assessment
Attention & Working MemoryCognition
Executive Functioning
Reasoning/Problem Solving
The OMCT is a 6-item measure of cognitive impairment based on the Blessed Test.
5-10 minutes
18 - 64
yearsElderly Adult
65 +
yearsConsiderations: (Parker & Philp, 2004)
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Alzheimer's Disease: (Davous et al, 1987; n = 133; mean age = 64.5 (range = 37 to 91) years; multiple diagnosis)
>10 indicates cognitive impairment
Alzheimer's Disease: (Davous et al, 1987)
Diagnosis |
n |
M/F |
Age (yr) |
Control |
23 |
8/15 |
75.9 (10.7) |
3.9 (3.1) |
9.7 (0.4) |
27.2 (1.7) |
Neurological |
33 |
17/16 |
64.5 (13.2) |
2.6 (2) |
9.8 (0.3) |
27.5 (1.8) |
Dementia |
44 |
18/26 |
73.9 (8.7) |
19 (7.1)* |
5.5 (2.6)* |
14.6 (6.2)* |
*p < 0.001 |
OMCT = Katzman's short Orientation Memory Concentration Test MSQ = Mental Status Questionnaire MMSE = Mini Mental State Examination |
Alzheimer's: (Fuld, 1978; n = 18 patients)
Alzheimer's Disease: (Davous et al, 1987)
Alzheimer's: (Davous et al, 1987; n = 21 patients during the same week as the mental status evaluation by a trained psychologist blind to OMCT results)
Various Neurological Diseases: (Wade & Vergis, 1998; n = 38; mean age = 47.1 (11.4) years)
Nursing home patients: (Katzman 1983; n = 170, demographic details not indicated)
Various Neurological Diseases: (Wade & Vergis, 1998)
Stepwise regression of the 26 item Blessed measure revealed 5 items with high item-total correlations. These items were then used to create the final 6 item measure.
Davous, P., Lamour, Y., et al. (1987). "A comparative evaluation of the short orientation memory concentration test of cognitive impairment." J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 50(10): 1312-1317. Find it on PubMed
Fuld, P. (1978). "Psychological testing in the differential diagnosis of the dementias." Alzheimer’s disease: senile dementia and related disorders 7.
Katzman, R., Brown, T., et al. (1983). "Validation of a short Orientation-Memory-Concentration Test of cognitive impairment." Am J Psychiatry 140(6): 734-739. Find it on PubMed
Parker, C. and Philp, I. (2004). "Screening for cognitive impairment among older people in black and minority ethnic groups." Age Ageing 33(5): 447-452. Find it on PubMed
Wade, D. T. and Vergis, E. (1999). "The Short Orientation-Memory-Concentration Test: a study of its reliability and validity." Clin Rehabil 13(2): 164-170. Find it on PubMed
We have reviewed more than 500 instruments for use with a number of diagnoses including stroke, spinal cord injury and traumatic brain injury among several others.