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Dr. Joanne C. Smith

Celebrating Dr. Joanne C. Smith

As our community mourns our profound loss, please use this space to share your memories and photos of our beloved, intrepid and visionary leader.


Dr. Joanne C. Smith

Shirley Ryan AbilityLab Mourns the Passing of Joanne C. Smith, MD, President & CEO

Dr. Smith died following treatment for cancer, which she battled privately while continuing to fully lead Shirley Ryan AbilityLab.


residents graduating

Medical Residents & Fellows Celebrate Graduation

13 medical residents and six fellows in the class of 2021 commemorated graduation day with separate ceremonies in Auditoriums A/B/C and receptions in the Gardens on the 10th Floor.


Roberto Rodriguez

In the News: NBC 5 Profiles Patient Following COVID Double Lung Transplant and 11-Month Hospitalization

On May 26, NBC 5 Chicago aired a report on Roberto Rodriguez from Waukegan, who was discharged from SRAlab's 19th Floor Nerve, Muscle & Bone Innovation Center.


Dr. Monica Rho

CBS's Mission Unstoppable Features Dr. Monica Rho

The CBS show Mission Unstoppable with Miranda Cosgrove recently featured Monica Rho, MD, in a story about physiatry.


Generic Background Image

Wall Street Journal: New Long Covid Treatments Borrow From Brain Rehab Tactics

Cognitive problems are among the most persistent and common lasting effects of Covid. Now some patients are getting help from brain rehab programs.


Chris Ward and his family

Chicago Tribune: Glen Ellyn dad has survived COVID-19, 9/11 and cancer

Chris Ward was diagnosed with COVID-19 the day before Thanksgiving. He had a headache, a rarity for him, and got a rapid test to rule out the virus before the holiday.

By the day after Thanksgiving, his heart was racing and he spiked a fever, so he went to the hospital.

He didn’t leave until February.


Novel device records, senses and manipulates “mini-brains”

Tiny Machine Poised to Unlock Brain’s Mysteries

A team of scientists, led by researchers has developed novel technology promising to increase understanding of how brains develop, and offer answers on repairing brains in the wake of neurotrauma and neurodegenerative diseases.


Peds Rehabilitation

Chicago Tribune: Palos Hill Teen on Rebound From Spinal Stroke

Pilkionis has made strides in her recuperation. Now at the Shirley Ryan AbilityLab, Pilkionis is doing rehabilitation the majority of each day, according to her mom.


Mahmoud A. doing rehabilitation at Shirley Ryan AbilityLab

ABC 7: COVID-19 'long-haulers' work to regain basic skills, overcome 'brain fog' months after diagnosis

Chicago's Shirley Ryan Ability Lab created a COVID-19 rehabilitation unit in April. And as the number of cases rise in the area, so does the unit's number of patients getting therapy for the long-term effects of the virus.


Dr. Perez Neurostimulation

Study participant walks for the first time following injury

Non-invasive neurostimulation paired with physical therapy temporarily mends broken connection between brain and spinal cord in patients with spinal cord injury.


Jacob Brewer does physical therapy at Shirley Ryan AbilityLab

'I'm just thankful to be here': Lightning strike survivor recounts his 4-month journey to recovery

After surviving a lightning strike, after enduring multiple surgeries to open his shins and forearms to save him from compartment syndrome, Jacob Brewer was being treated at the Shirley Ryan AbilityLab in downtown Chicago where he was receiving physical and occupational therapy.
