Nick and family

Patient Story

Nick’s Story: How Assistive Technology Gave Him a Voice


The ability to communicate is an intrinsic part of being human, but most people never realize how much it impacts quality of life. However, Marian and Geoff A. uniquely understand.

Their son, Nick, lost the ability to communicate at just 17 years old when his heart stopped during a routine surgery on his jaw. He went without oxygen for 10 minutes, leaving him with a severe brain injury and unable to walk, talk or eat.

Once vibrant and musical — playing trombone in his high school band and singing in his church choir — Nick has required round-the-clock care for the last 24 years.

Despite the challenges, Marian and Geoff never gave up hope for improved communication with their son. They willingly took on the daunting task of interpreting his every expression and movement, but had never been sure what he was trying to convey — until now.

Empowering Nick through an Assistive Communication Device


Nick’s speech-language pathologist and occupational therapist adapted a motion-activated switch that is mounted on the back of his wheelchair headrest. The switch connects to a tablet that provides a series of pre-programmed phrases and questions. Nick can select these phrases by nodding his head.

Through this customized device, Nick can express discomfort, hunger or his desire for a specific activity, such as listening to music or getting a sip of water.

This device has transformed the way Marian and Geoff relate to Nick, while at the same time empowering Nick to take an active role in his own care.

“This has definitely been beneficial for Nick, but I think it has had more impact on us because it opened up a new horizon that we didn’t even think about. It opened our eyes to possibilities, and that’s really significant,” said Geoff.

Marian added, “We love Shirley Ryan AbilityLab. They get you through when you don’t know where to turn next.”


About Assistive Technology


Shirley Ryan AbilityLab’s Assistive Technology program offers high-tech, custom tools that aid in communication, learning and the operation of mobility or household devices. For example, if patients have difficulty speaking, augmentative and alternative communication devices can help them express themselves.

Specially trained therapists assess, identify and recommend the appropriate devices for each patient. Importantly, the technology enables patients to live with greater independence, comfort and quality of life.

Assistive Technology is an example of Shirley Ryan AbilityLab’s Quality of Life programs, which are not covered by insurance but are offered at no cost or low cost to patients thanks to the generosity of donors.

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