
We see adult and adolescent patients with serious concussions in our clinic at Shirley Ryan AbilityLab. Our goal is to quickly resolve or minimize concussion symptoms so our patients can return to and fully participate in activities that are important to them.

Symptoms of a Concussion


Concussion symptoms may appear right away, while others may go unnoticed for hours or days after the injury. If you experience any symptoms, seek medical attention immediately.

  • Physical changes such as balance problems, dizziness, headaches, neck pain or difficulty returning to activity or exercise
  • Mood changes such as depression, anxiety or sleep disturbance
  • Cognitive changes such as short-term memory problems, slowed thinking, confusion, difficulty concentrating, planning, organization or multi-tasking
  • Vision changes such as eye strain or double vision


Meet with the Experts


You will be evaluated by one of our Brain Injury Certified Physicians and Clinical Neuropsychologists. Based on your symptoms and presentation, you may have follow-up appointments and/or be referred to other concussion specialists on our team, including:

  • Physical Therapist: Vestibular Therapy, Management of Neck Pain, Return to Physical Activity/Sports, Return to Work/School
  • Occupational Therapist: Vision Rehabilitation, Cognitive Retraining, Return to Work/School
  • Speech and Language Pathologist: Cognitive Rehabilitation, Cognitive and Speech Symptom Management, Return To Work/School
  • Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor: Working with your employer to facilitate potential accommodations and return to work/school

Our Concussion experts will help you get back to work, school or other activities that are important to you. You may also be referred to other specialists, as needed.

Learn More

Our researchers and physicians work collaboratively to advance the science and care for concussion.


Concussions & Teen Sports: A Q&A With Hollis Bell, MD

Learn how parents and athletes can be “concussion aware” for safe participation in sports.

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Brett walks out after TBI

Back to College After a Traumatic Brain Injury

Brett suffered a severe TBI after a skiing accident. Through our Amicous Program, daily speech therapy and inpatient care he walked out of the hospital.

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